Yeah - always worth watching the battles when that occurs - those mounted units proved to be very powerful, in your case I think your commander was too close to the action.
I like that we have been able to play two turns allmost every day. I hope we can keep this speed up.
I hope I will be able to turn the tide agaist the Arcosephale. Thier hordes of evil troops seems to have no end. But I think that in the end justice will triumph.
Let it be known that arcosephale attack me without any provokation from my part.
I have to say I love it when I get 2 turns together - allows the plans to be much better executed together Other than having then to wait till the next turn is ready.
It is time for us to bring down the caelum. They are to powerful for thier own good.
I must say that I'm really suprised that Ed Kolis hired mercenaries to take provinces from me with allmost zero income. I do not see the plan. It must be the taint of life that is making him act this unrational.
Hey the Caelum empire is still struggling with the very well fortified cītis capital.
Surely the living nations must stick together to bring an end to the evil empire of the dead!
They will eat all of us if they arenīt stopped.