
February 26th, 2008, 05:42 PM
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Re: The Marignon-Eriu War
"A few month later, Rhea found herself relaxing in her home. Home ! Strange word for such a place, yet it had no other name. She had most of what she wanted now : relative peace, an interesting job (for a little more time, she was told).
The events of last months had been hectic at best, but somehow, it worked out fine. The strange men from the Vanheim nation left as she was moving in. And that province really was a treasure to behold : magnificent pines and trees and mountains that rivalled in beauty the forest where she was born.
As soon as she arrived, she was contacted by the local shamans... and they were waiting for her arrival. She took upon herself to start building a temple and a lab, only to have the order come a few days later. A few month later, the locals even build a fortress in her honor.
Truly, this was a magnificent place, blessed by ancient gods..."
Often I must speak other than I think. That is called diplomacy.
* Stilgar
Show me a completely smooth operation and I'll show you a cover up. Real boats rock.
* Darwi Odrade

February 26th, 2008, 07:14 PM
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Re: The Marignon-Eriu War
Cyy Coth, king of atlantis was awakened by a knock on his shell.
- Yarr wazzups? He murmured irritably, for he had enjoyed a most pleasant dream about a young atlantess.
- Eze mass! The servant cried. - Aizz tel ya dem trollkin aahtsid, wasal ee dhoo?
Trolls outside? Cyy Coth flung the shell open and quickly swam along the corals to the rim of the great dome. Yes, indeed. The water was full of sea trolls swarming around hacking at the corals, breaking way fast. This was indeed gruesome as only the kings and their personal servants resided in Atlantis ever since the crusade began, and all troops were gone ashore to secure HER will.
- Garter upz em Kingies naaz eejit! He shouted at his servant, who swam off to wake the other kings.
Cyy Coth sighed heavily, summoning a horde of green bubbles. As much as he hated it, he knew they would have to call HER home to squish the trollkin. Sure he knew she was the mother, Jolkuna, god of the infinite deeps and his love and faith was as great as anyones but still, he prefered when she was far away.
A troll broke a hole in the coral next to him and stuck its head in. Cyy sighed again and waved his hand at it.
- Sheesh bagger ahwf dampazz!
The trolls head silently imploded and drifted away like a red cloud.

February 26th, 2008, 07:16 PM
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Re: The Marignon-Eriu War
BTW I really enjoy your stories! It adds a lot of feeling, keep it up.

February 26th, 2008, 09:19 PM
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The Plight of Arcoscephale
Although some breathing room had been gained, reports of a terrible menace were coming in from the east. Slimy Subterranean Slugs were being worshipped by humans who had, indeed, fallen far from their former friends.
And fortune favored the fiends! A Fortress was freely constructed by a local fool to curry favor. While the Brethren of Brenflusse, Bountiful Goddess of Rivers, continued to find fortune to be extremely fickle.
So, to WAR! Death to the SSSlugs!

February 26th, 2008, 11:00 PM
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At the investment of Eriu Citadel
There were murmurs among the army, Witch Hunter Otun knew. Since Captain Dante had joined, he had led the army of Marignon from victory to victory, and now the troops were camped around the walls of Eriu itself. This should be a time of celebration. But instead the camp wallowed in melancholy.
It was because of Flonne, of course. Otun watched the angel walk slowly through the camp, followed closely by High Inquisitor Malbien. Malbien was clearly trying to strike up a conversation with Flonne, cheer her up, anything, but for naught. Flonne continued walking, not so much as even acknowledging Malbien's presence.
She had been like this ever since the battle of Eriu province. Otun knew not what happened on that day, but ever since Flonne had not said a thing.
"Nobody knows," said one of the soldiers when Otun went asking around, "but I've heard rumours."
The only things that spread through an army faster than dysentery are rumours and gossip, of course, and Otun had heard them all. The most popular opinion was that the sidhe or the other followers of Eriu's monstrous god had placed an affliction on her. Otun found it plausible, but he was more drawn towards a second explanation.
Marignon's greatest losses in that battle had been the cavalry posted on the right flank. After the enemy troops had fled the battlefield, Otun had examined the corpses of the fallen, and found each of them charred as if they were struck by lightning. Otun had witnessed Eriu witches calling forth lightning before, but nothing that could kill so many so quickly. Nevertheless, he thought nothing of it until a week later one of the crossbowmen mentioned that he had seen Flonne, a renowned air mage, fly into the fray on that fateful day... on the right flank.
(Aside: So, yeah, my pretender is now Mute. Aaargh! So much for forging air boosters.)

February 27th, 2008, 12:56 AM
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Re: At the investment of Eriu Citadel
You jerks in your free fortresses...in ULM we do it the old-fashioned way, paying a huge amount of gold and waiting for several turns! We also walk to school uphill, both ways, in the snow, wearing Black Plate,in Drain-3, because that's the way we Ulmsman roll.
Also, I'd like to take this opportunity to announce that fine Ulmish forging will be available to trade with our friends and allies in a few turns. Watch this thread for details.

February 27th, 2008, 01:16 PM
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Re: Primea, newbie MA game (started)
Unfortunately my computer at home appears to be dead.
It's a shame because I'm at an interesting position in this game and would like to continue. I can see if I can find a sub or you can just turn me to AI if you prefer, since it will probably be like 4 days at the minimum before I'll be able to play again.

February 27th, 2008, 04:30 PM
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Re: Primea, newbie MA game (started)
A sub would be much preferred, let´s try to find one.

February 27th, 2008, 05:33 PM
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Re: Primea, newbie MA game (started)
Well, i can wait a few days, no problem for me. I hope that if i'll have a real life issue, the others will wait too
I talk for Hoplosternum, who probably find a way to send his turn ( four days, it's just one or two turn if we wait to the maximum time allowed ).
And for fungalreason, can't you find a computer ? An old one, a friend or something. Dominion desn't need a big one.
Also, i enjoy your story too, it's create a good ambiance 

February 27th, 2008, 06:10 PM
Join Date: Jun 2007
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Re: Primea, newbie MA game (started)
Unfortunately I lost my Dom3 CD, so I'm having to order a new copy of the game too
Also my hard drive in my current computer (the broken one) is SATA so I can't connect it to my old machine.
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