Debate and Duel (D&D)
Edit: Changed the thread name. THIS IS NOT just about my disintegration strategy. I want to see some duels taking place here. I'm also always looking for a good duel.
Arrite, this is a debate and duel thread. You say something "arguitive" and then you duel on Dominions 2 to prove your point.
So here I go, explaining what I know so far about my disintegration strategy. The following is what I've learned through experience.
What is easily defeated?
1. Super Combatants
2. Strong units which come in few amounts
3. Independant Provinces
4. Province defence
1. Archers/Crossbow Infantry
2. Fodder
3. Caelum Flying Units
4. Hawk summons
5. Fires from Afar
6. Magic Resistance
7. Destroying castle walls
1. Spread fodder all over the battlefield and cast Raise Skeletons
2. Guard mages with fodder and cast Raise Skeletons
3. No fix yet
4. Fodder
5. Fodder
6. Numerous mages can take anything down. My +3 magic scale helps a lot.
7. Fodder
Weaknesses based on gameplay luck
1. Being attacked before turn 20
2. Upkeep
3. Trying to secure/hold provinces
4. The strategy requires expanding as fast as possible.
1. None
2. None
3. Destroy my own provinces with tax while taking the enemies' provinces and doing the same thing. (That leads to major income problems)
4. None
Also what I do to be protected from fodder and arrows, I have lots of shamans casting Body Etheral and Luck on my mages.
[ February 03, 2004, 17:13: Message edited by: Argitoth ]