alexti said:
Ivan Pedroso said:
Back when I have had time for a better look (sorry 'bout posting too hastilly )
Curiously enough, the correct formula (I'm 99% sure ) looks very much like yours, only the sign alternates (see my earlier post, coefficients are the same, only the sign is different).
Yeah - your initial formula is correct. But I must admit that it could do with some explanations. I looked at it (briefly, I'll admit) and could not see what it all meant, or what the idea behind the factors and numbers were. And when I saw that p(i)=0 for i=8 I just disregarded the whole thing and wrote up my (wrong) ideas. (now I get it, and that p(8)=0 is perfectly fine. It's the probability of getting 20 sages in a row with eight(!) paths missing - zero of cause.)
The alternating signs are introduced when probabilities of non-independent events are added.
Same as when non-disjoint sets are unified:
U(A,B) = A + B - I(A,B)
U: unified
I: intersection (written as an upside-down "U")
With 3 sets A,B, and C you get:
U(A,B,C) = A + B + C - I(A,B) - I(A,C) - I(B,C) + I(A,B,C)
With 8:
U(all eight) = A + B + ... + H - I(all with two) + I(all with three) - I(all with four) and so on with plus and minus alternating between the groups of intersections.
One of the ones in the group called I(all with four) could be: I(A,B,C,D) or I(A,B,D,F) or ... well anyone with four letters
- - - - we'll use the above stuff now - - - -
"A" above could mean no FIRE pick in 20 sages in a row. "B" no AIR and so on.
Then U(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) is all the sets that can be constructed with 20 sages where any one path is missing.
P(getting one of the sets in U(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H)) is then the probability of getting a row of 20 sages with any one path missing. But as Alexti said, if you add together P(A)+P(B)+ ...+P(H) you will NOT get P(getting one of the sets in U(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H)).
Because P(A) is the the probability of getting 20 sages without seeing any FIRE paths. But a series of 20 with all sorcery paths will then be a part of A, B, C, and D and would thus get counted 4 times instead of only once. The alternating signs ensures that these "extra countings" gets added and deducted correctly, in order to only count the relevant contributions once. The above describes how P(getting one of the sets in U(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H)) should be calculated.
P(A) = (7/8)^20 (so are P(B) and P(C) and so forth)
so the first part (the one with A + B + C...) is thus:
P( I(A,B) ) = (6/8)^20 (and so are P( I(A,C) ) and bla bla)
the re are 28 ways to make these parings, so the second part is:
- 28*(6/8)^20
The third part is ( 8!/(5!3!)=8*7*6/(3*2)=56 ways to combine three letters from the eight available):
+ 56*(5/8)^20
And so on and so on... resulting in:
((7/8)^20 * 8c7) - ((6/8)^20 * 8c6) + ((5/8^20 * 8c5) - . . . + ((1/8^20 * 8c1) = 0.4694
As stated by Alexti and misunderstood by me, but now hopefully clear to all