The Quick and The Dead [ Calmon WINS!! ]
Tired of month-long build ups of 5 minute turns, just to get to the meat of a long term dominions game? Always get killed off before the awesome late-game magics come out to play? Then this is the game for you! We will be playing this game with a special accelerated start designed to bypass the intro part of the game and jump straight into the action. Due to the speedy nature of this game we will only be having 10 players.
Port: 7501
Age: Late Age
Map: Urraparrand
House Rules
1) No dual-blessing. Max of one level 9 bless.
2) All nations will be given 10 sages at thier capital to simulate the research-base of a normal game
3) Initial 3-turn cease-fire. No nation can launch any attacks till turn 3.
Starting Provs: 9
Indy Strength: 9
Magic Sites: 65
Gold Mult: 150%
Resource Mult: 150%
Graphs: On
Hall of Fame: 15
Research: Easy
Renaming: On
Victory Conditions:
Capital VPs Only
4 VPs to win
Conceptual Balance 1.0
Worthy Heroes 1.6
Hosting Schedule: 24hr Quickhost
1. Ironhawk - Midgard
2. Msew - Abysia
3. Kissblade - Patala
4. Morkilus - Ulm
5. Calmon - Ermor
6. FAJ - C'tis
7. GameExtremist - Arco
8. Solo - Utgard
9. Rathar - Agartha
10. Kydorias - Caelum