@ kel
okay with bf ulm you are forced to take death 1 but that's the only blood nation i remember who is forced to take deathscale .
and i should have written this
i of course meant for large maps
especially the faerun one .
if you can expand all the time than it's fine

but if you grow to fast i think other ppl will cut you back in less fearful size
worst scenario would be : one of my neighbors is ermor and the other one pangenea carrion woods .
but i think it's in general a problem.
and if i don't conquer many totally sitesearched provinces from my enemies my gemincome will be quite bad. and if i have a nice gemincome as bf ulm / abysia / Df Marignon my summoning possibilities will be quite limited because of my national mages and i mainly focus on blood with my pretender too when i play blood.
you were right it were basically my impressions stormbinder
so here a new statement
on maps <10 players / <200 provinces blood is awesome .
you get very strong units and nice unique sc's like arch devils / ice devils and so on.
the lvl 9 masssummon blood spells like infernal forces are nice ihmo .
but on large maps it will become harder and harder to keep the blood flowing .
if someone casts something like utterdark and can it keep up it will be evil for you .
on the other hand for good accashic record / clamhording nations like especially ryhleh which normally should easily survive long enough since atlantis is unpopular and so it can easily conquer the seas quite unchallenged should be the winnners.
the problem is that the flow of blood can be quite easily disturbed or even almost completely stopped while your sitegemincome can only be stopped by conquering your provinces and your clamincome which will be huge on large maps can be stopped even harder .
since at least one of the magic powerhouses like ryhleh / ermor / tien chi / pythium / arco won't be your neighbor and survive for the fight for supremacy in the end you will be in trouble
with the blood you can crush some of your neighbors but then if you rely heavily on blood your empire is fragile and if you try to go magic powerhouse you come most likely too late .
if your opponents go deathheavy in the long run they will beat you surely i think.
was there ever a nation the winner of a faerun mp game which was no supermagic race like the above mentioned ?
perhaps i should add caelum and machaka .
edit :
in brief : ihmo on the faerunmap you aren't rewarded with lategamevictory when you go blood despite you have the most micromanagement to do this way . you will have some nice early/midgame victories but you won't be the overall winner of the game
[ July 07, 2004, 20:40: Message edited by: Boron ]