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Old July 24th, 2006, 12:32 PM

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Default And now ? (WinSP dreams)

Now that we've WinSPWW2 things can look "over", that is will there be future versions of the game ?
Although there's been a looong way since original SP and the first Camo efforts, there are still mcuh to do to approach "perfectness" if that is ever possible.

I would like to list here gameplay changes that I think would be much welcome. Even if the interface could be enhanced also (formations setup screen, roster ..) the changes would not have a big impact on the game.

Here is my list with priorities
1/ Defensive fire enhancements ! This one is the most important IMHO, it's really sad to see how the units waste their def fire on useless targets - the range can be set but not anything else... I don't like the way SPWAW handle that, the process of "validating" each fire is painful and only helps the player vs the AI. What I suggest would be to be able to set different reaction ranges for different types of targets - lt unarmored vehicles, lt armor (HT and lt tanks), med-hvy armor, guns, infantry...
This should be settable in the scenario design si the IA would use whatever the designer set.

2/ More flexible/varied victory conditions : points multipliers for losses (to represent human waste or safekeep considerations), points for exiting units, "sudden death" conditions, cumulative points for objectives, ..

3/ Solution to the "smoke" problem, I really can"t understand why every squad and its mother can create impenetrable screens for a full hectare (4 hexes worth..). Even for artillery it should be toned down, smoke should only reduce visibility/give negative modifiers and not totally allow units to disappear

4/ A more sensible rout algorithm, with units going away from the enemy and not straight in a given direction.

5/ I don't know if it's even doable, but a "formation activation" system would be great. The idea is to have formations make an "activation check" according to leader quality an C&C status, with failed checks giving reduced movement allowance and/or fewer shots. even greater would be a real "initiative" system, at least for each player (ie having to play formations in a precise order rather than each unit as we want).

Well, that's my ideas, I hope some would share them or at least discuss them
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Old July 24th, 2006, 02:10 PM
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Default Re: And now ? (WinSP dreams)

1) Armoured Trains

2) An end to having to chase down every last pissant spaehtruppe, panzerbusche and scharfschutze, or their size 0/1 equivalents in other nations, to prevent them from snatching victory hexes moments before game end. All too often one of these "ghosts" snatches up a couple of hexes, usually deep in my end zone, then bang, the game ends. I wind up with a marginal or draw when all that's left of the enemy is two men and a dog.

1) 4 target types with 4 possible weapon slots gives 16 possible range settings for each unit - that's a lot of overhead for both players and the game. Strip it to "soft" and "armoured" target types and it might be workable.

2)I agree, see my 2)above.

3)I agree that it is absurd that a few grenades completely block sight lines from the ground up to the "sky" though it's justifiable for the big guns. I see non-artillery smoke as more of a user initiated "break contact" device than actual smoke so I like the way it is handled now. I would accept a "go to ground" or "take cover from fire from that direction" button.

4) I agree

5) I disagree, while a nice piece of chrome, the current morale settings adequately handicap nations with poor command and control.
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Old July 24th, 2006, 02:46 PM
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Default Re: And now ? (WinSP dreams)

More Units! More Icons! More Scenarios!

(and refinement of the current game play systems; look at how they've added in reversing, and have been playing around with the infantry combat code)
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Old July 24th, 2006, 03:39 PM
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Default Re: And now ? (WinSP dreams)

PDF said:
1/ Defensive fire enhancements ! This one is the most important IMHO, it's really sad to see how the units waste their def fire on useless targets - the range can be set but not anything else... I don't like the way SPWAW handle that, the process of "validating" each fire is painful and only helps the player vs the AI. What I suggest would be to be able to set different reaction ranges for different types of targets - lt unarmored vehicles, lt armor (HT and lt tanks), med-hvy armor, guns, infantry...
This should be settable in the scenario design si the IA would use whatever the designer set.


You may want to visit this thread and read my proposal. If you agree please make yourself heared.

The link:

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.", Sun Tzu
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Old July 24th, 2006, 03:47 PM

serg3d serg3d is offline
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Default Re: And now ? (WinSP dreams)

What I want is to have option for faster sound, or some way ignoring secondary sounds for multiple shots - turns taking a lot of time now, while all the sounds for each shot played.
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Old July 24th, 2006, 04:55 PM

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Default Re: And now ? (WinSP dreams)

Artur said:
PDF said:
1/ Defensive fire enhancements ! This one is the most important IMHO, it's really sad to see how the units waste their def fire on useless targets - the range can be set but not anything else... I don't like the way SPWAW handle that, the process of "validating" each fire is painful and only helps the player vs the AI. What I suggest would be to be able to set different reaction ranges for different types of targets - lt unarmored vehicles, lt armor (HT and lt tanks), med-hvy armor, guns, infantry...
This should be settable in the scenario design si the IA would use whatever the designer set.


You may want to visit this thread and read my proposal. If you agree please make yourself heared.

The link:

I'm with you here man !
In the last SPWinMBT game I played (solo scen as South Afr vs Angola) I was totally mad at seeing my guys wasting all their precious RPG/Zook ammo (can't remember what weapon exactly) on OP fire at enemy infantry at extreme weapon range !
Sure here I should have "disabled" the weapon but forgot to,
But in a recent WinSPWW2 games I had my Tigers wasting their OP fire at petty and dangerless SMG infantry dangling around T-34s at 4-500m range so when the T-34s moved/fired the Tigers had no OP fire left..*That's* the real issue !
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Old July 24th, 2006, 04:58 PM

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Default Re: And now ? (WinSP dreams) *DELETED*

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Old July 24th, 2006, 05:37 PM

BaronvonBeer BaronvonBeer is offline
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Default Re: And now ? (WinSP dreams)

Really like the VP idea, knowing the enemy is coming, but not exactly what their focus is.

A (possible?) simple one: Have an extra command to do all rallying for a unit at once (like Shift+R), rather than 1-umpteen button presses per unit.

Playing an infantry campaign right now and spend equal to twice as much time per turn pressing R for the units as actually playing the turn.
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Old July 24th, 2006, 11:14 PM
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Default Re: And now ? (WinSP dreams)

BaronvonBeer said:

A (possible?) simple one: Have an extra command to do all rallying for a unit at once (like Shift+R), rather than 1-umpteen button presses per unit.
Preferences -> Auto Rally On

The only problem is that it doesn't always rally units in the most efficient manner - e.g. you want to rally that lowly bazooka team next to the Tiger but the AI wastes the A0 rallies on the B0 REMF supressed by a few mortar rounds.
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Old July 24th, 2006, 11:36 PM

BaronvonBeer BaronvonBeer is offline
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Default Re: And now ? (WinSP dreams)

Would be great if it were at the beginning rather than end of turn. Dunno what most do, but unless a unit has nothing worth shooting at and nowhere to go, I rally at the start to make that turns action more effective.
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