No - if you read what was said, all missiles are in
one weapon slot now, fo single-missile release per pass.
So - edit the unit to have 4 missiles in the first missile slot, and second slot to weapon 0 (zero) with no ammo.
Although perhaps 4 of the things are a bit much on a fury IMHO!.
Now - save the OOB and run the cost calculator on it and save.
As to the bullpup's size - there is one bullpup and it does for all bullbup versionss. Later bullpups were 1000lb bombs. The game version seems to be that one.
bullpup Also see
bullpup and Buccaneer "The Buccaneer was evaluated with the US-built AGM-12 Bullpup radio-guided air-to-surface missile in 1965. However, the Bullpup proved to be an unreliable and inaccurate weapon, and was rarely carried in practice. " A similar opinion of the contraption is expressed here
Bullpup F105 "The D could also carry the Martin AGM-12 Bullpup air-to-surface missile, but this weapon was to prove almost useless in Vietnam against hardened targets."
It is not worthwhile to split into versions given the USMC has only a few valuable weapon slots free to expend one on an A model missile and one on a B one, for a rarely used article.
Any HE AP factor (and other stats) is more likely to be better as with those of the 1000lb bomb.