Re: Human only mods ?
DomII mods are supposed to work with Dom3 straight away. You might have to change the unit numbers (because many old free numbers are now in use by the new nations), but IIRC no commands were removed and no commands broke (except #reinvigoration, in some recent patch) in the change.
I don't know of such mod, but I'd guess that starting with Late Age nations would give you a very good starting point, perhaps with adding some MA nations in as well.
MA Ulm and Marignon, MA and LA Man, MA and LA Arcos, MA Mictlan, MA and LA Tien Chi, LA Jomi, MA Machaka, perhaps LA Ulm and Marignon if you don't mind the blood summons... The only changes you'd have to do would be in starting sites (one gem out from MA nations, or one gem more for LA nations), and changing all starting picks of 3 to 2 for the MA nations' mages, along with lowering their cost by 20. Crones with N2A2, Grandmasters with F2S2, etc. MA Mictlan's Couatls might be harder to balance. I guess it wouldn't be too bad if they got to keep them. MA Machaka's Black Sorcerers don't start with level 2, but have 100 and 10% randoms. Giving them one 50% random instead would have the same kind of effect. Then change LA Agartha's Ktonian Necromancers gold cost and magics to similar levels, probably 225 gp, 1-2-2 magic with one 50% pick of four choices.