I am playing the computer in a 600 province game and it is not very far in. With no event message a 4 commander, 40 man force appears and attacks Ermor on the other side of the map. They came close to winning but died in the effort. At least I now know where one of his castles is.
I have never seen this before so is this a side effect of the latest patch? This is my first game using it.
Just a random event that Marignon gets sometimes. Ermor has a similar one.
A group of cultists attacks an enemy. If they win, you get a province, a
few commanders, and a brand new, shiny enemy.
No good deed goes unpunished...
More importantly, it's an event the TARGET gets. Pangaea also has something similar, but I don't remember how maenads choose their target province. Maybe it has to be a forest or something.