Starting up an MA game for all noobs :d. Or in general inexperienced players. Lets say at least under 10 games. the settings are below:
Game parameters:
Players: 6
Map: Randomly generated Medium Map (will be called "DarkAvenger211 - Randomly Generated Medium Map" on llamaserver)
Mods: CBM 1.92
Magic site freq: 50
Renaming On
Graph On
Hall of Fame 15
Everything else set as default
Turn length: Initially 30h/turn. Will expand in later game
Diplomacy: Anything goes
Winner: Last man, woman or beast standing or on agreement of remaining survivors.
Game exploits are forbidden
Planning on hosting the Game on llamaserver
Reply with your nation pick. I'm playing Ulm
DarkAvenger211 - Ulm
Flop - Pythium
mattyburn7 - Agartha - Arco
Nightfall - Abysia
Torgon - Man
hawk - Bandar log (MIA?)
Here's the map: