Hey guys, I only saw Posts on this for like Last year or so, and I was just wondering, why do AI-driven races I encounter almost always go to war with me almost right away?
I've been using the TDM Modpack because of the better AI, but they all just seem to start hating me really fast. It could be because I'm playing the Earth Alliance with a low Political Savvy, but I thought that affected only trade?
So, how can I stop the AI empires from just jumping into the deep end of Murderous?
I mean, I can take them all but I'd rather fight one war at a time, maybe broken up by a few cease-fires here and there, instead of mind-numbing years of war. I'm in the position to make hefty bribes to stave off other aggression but these empires just don't seem to be interested in the whole 'peace' thing