I didn't take the time to revise the long list of random generated names I added to the end. I think it's the longest list of random names I've ever generated.
Something funny I found now is the surprising number of words that actually mean something among that list, most are simple monosilabic words, such as 'Mom' and 'Dad', longer words are less likely to be generated by accident, although I found some longer words such as 'Closed' or 'Thicker'.
In most cases these words don't sound too bad, and there are some that sound quite cool and I'd like to say it was my idea to include them
, but I found some names that some may find can be offensive, such as '***' 'Pee' and 'Tit'.
I mean I wouldn't like to be native to the planet '*** II'
As English is a second language for me, I may not find them all. Please help me find them.
BTW my random generated names are from line 31260 'Aa' until the EOF.
I did not get rid of the ugly names but I may have added many, hopefully I added more good sounding ones making the ugly ones less likely to appear