Personally, i don't think it's fair for us PC players who pre-ordered to have to wait because:
a) you decided to incorporate a Mac version at the last minute.
b) we have to go without eg: "triaged campaigns" because of the Mac version.
c) Mac testing/functionality may open another can of worms.
When the "gone gold/pre-order" announcement was released you/they made it appear as it was in the final stages. Of course, the egg is now on my face as i was warned not to get my hopes up due to the endless wait for some "other" shrapnel product that many of my colleagues have pre-ordered

You said to let you have it

, so there!

Now that i have vented i will say this: your product looks great and it will fill a great void for those of us fond of the Age Of Sail. Shrapnel has my money so i'm powerless and yes, i am disappointed, only you can make it worth our while
