
October 13th, 2007, 12:23 AM
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Quick quickness question!
Sorry if this is has already been answered, I did do a search but I might have missed it.
I understand that quickness (the spell) and quickness (the bless) and quickness (the ability) are different. My question is about all of these, but mostly about quickness the bless and the spell.
When people talk about how the spell is a 100% speed increase and the bless is 50%.. what exactly does that mean? I know that action points are increased by that amount, so movement should therefore be directly increased by 50 or 100%.
What about attacks though? If I have a unit that has 2 attacks, e.g. a spear and a bite, and its affected by the quickness spell, does it go up to 4 attacks a round, or just get 1 extra attack? Would a unit with 3 natural attacks go up to 6, or 4.5? What about a unit with only one attack, but the water trident (triple strike). Does he go from 3 attacks to 4, or 3 attacks to 6?
Seems like if your sacred units or power units have multiple attacks to being with, the answer to this dramatically affects how well quickness will boost them, so I'm really curious to get this settled. Thanks (from a noob!) for any help!

October 13th, 2007, 12:44 AM
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Re: Quick quickness question!
I believe a partial action will carry over from round to round, so blessed units will have 3 actions every 2 rounds. Movement is not split up like this IIRC, since AP divides much more easily than actions.
A unit gets to make all of its attacks with each action (notice the different usage between action and attack) so a dual wield unit will get 2 attacks in each action, or 4 attack/round with 100% quickness. A unit with 2 weapons and 50% quickness will get 2 attacks, 4 attacks, 2 attacks, 4 attacks, not 3, 3, 3...
The other restriction to keep in mind is that each action can only attack one square, so even if you get 9 attacks/action you can only clear one square. A quickness action WILL allow you to attack a second square with it though. This can make a difference in equipping someone, since single-target weapons on a high-attack, quickened chassis will usually only kill 3 humans, since the 2nd action will be directed at the square that now only has one unit in it after your first action.
The other, other consideration is that the extra actions will cost fatigue, and reinvig is only once per round, not once per action, so you can easily outrun your reinvigoration if you're not using a 0-enc unit, so be careful who you're giving your speed to. Drugs kill, so only use them on undead =)

October 13th, 2007, 12:54 AM
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Re: Quick quickness question!
So, just to clarify.. If I have Mictlan Jaguar warriors, with a water bless:
In human form they normally have 1 attack (?). Blessed, they will do 1/2/1/2/1/2 ... (attacks, per round) assuming there are targets nearby. Scoring 4 encumbrance an attack.
In jaguar form, with 2 encumbrance and 3 attacks (?), and a bless ,they do: 3/6/3/6/3/6 ... (attack per round) assuming there are targets nearby. With 2 encumbrance per attack.
Trying to decide whether I should go fire or water bless 9 with Mictlan, specifically, but also trying to figure out quickness in general. One thing for example I noticed was that their action points went from 12 to 16 with the bless. That's a 33% increase, not a 50% increase... why is that?

October 13th, 2007, 04:20 AM
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Re: Quick quickness question!
There is a action point reduction from armor that might interfere.

October 13th, 2007, 09:00 AM
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Re: Quick quickness question!
The standard answer to should I go fire or water bless 9 with Mictlan, is yes. Take both.

October 13th, 2007, 04:28 PM
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Re: Quick quickness question!
That's because in combat everything basically comes down to the damage rolls a defending unit has to "receive":
Water Bless: x1.5
Fire Bless - ATT bonus: x1.5 (hit-%tage from 50% to 75% with common attack/defense values)
Fire Bless - fire damage: x2 (additional 6AP open ended fire damage roll)
This comes down to ~4.5 times the number of damage rolls compared to the non-blessed unit. Obviously, this is most effective with units with multiple attacks (Vans, Jaguars) - with that many attack rolls against one target, chances are high you get several high damage values or even a "critical" (where the 2d6oe rolls re-rolls maybe even several times).
That way, high-protection or high-hp units can fall easily in one combat round.
As for AI the most effective work around to this problem so far is to simply use an American instead, they tend to put up a bit more of a fight than your average Artificial Idiot.
... James McGuigan on rec.games.computer.stars somewhen back in 1998 ...

October 14th, 2007, 05:15 PM
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Re: Quick quickness question!
/bows to Micah.
Q: Can you verify if the first attack on a Quickened dual-wielding unit is in fact 2 and not 4?
This would affect the first-strike effect of such forces.
Haven't used a Water Bless in a while, so I haven't been able to [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon10.gif[/img] it myself...
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October 14th, 2007, 05:20 PM
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Re: Quick quickness question!
I believe the extra action is given up front, but I'm not completely sure on that.
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