Thanks, got that same book too, in addition to the piles of others, and I did use it to check data, but... ah well

I am sure that's not the only little detail I missed, so keep 'em coming as you find them!
T-72M1 icon -> 2673 (no fuel tanks, tho no camo either)
BT-42, T-28 icon -> correct ones
T-54/55 -> winter icon
BMP-1TJJ -> ROF 7 (same as BMP-1!), BMP-1TJ carry 5
Itpsv 90 ammo load now 20 HE, 2 Sabot
152mm howitzers (except H 55) removed from use around 2010 (swimming in same pots as BMP-1s etc. Soviet stuff)
APILAS expire date no longer a guess - I let them be there till 2020 (we will know one day anyways...)
T-26 data, see previous page, post by LR
added NSV armed Masi/Rasi 1992->
Removed "dead" stats (FC/Stab) from helos with no weapons and prices dropped, yippee!
Added BA-20M picture
XA-203 FC = 10 for all XA-203's
AMV APC now has fully stabilized (5) weapon, as it should be
Some formation corrections
Added Mech FO's (the ones that move with BMP-1TJ) with 3 men, BMP-1TJ carry = 3...
Following data in the OOB is speculation (/not 100% sure yet - tho the ideas are not from thin air either (NLAW speculation anyone?)):
-Leopard 2A5FIN (2A4's will most likely be upgraded sometime, but into...?)
-84 RsKES AT-4HP (APILAS is at the end of its road, but what will replace it, will it be replaced in the end?)
-66 KES 2010 (M72E-9 LAW, improved penetration, Finnish company owns ~50% of the company that makes M72 versions in Norway... the ones in use now won't last forever)
-AMOS with STRIX (expensive... but fits with the "Iskukykytutkimus"-results)
-BMP-2FIN (BMP-2 needs to be upgraded as they are to be held in the roster for a looong time (Mech BG), packages exist... will exists, but does the money?)
-XA-360 AMV IFV (not bought yet, will it be bought as it costs big €€? I truly hope so!)
-Sisu HMTac vehicles (in 2009-2010 some 500-600 new vehicles are to be bought, Sisu being a STRONG candidate with these vehicles - some already in use as Bridge laying vehicles (5x5 variant))
-Patriot SAM (new SAM system was 100% sure to be bought to replace Buk, but it's the green stuff again that dictates, or the lack of it! Used Patriots are there to be bought, need is also there...)
-MRLS with CM ammo (AT-2 in use now, Finnish politicians waiting for the more humane CM ammo... The systems were bought to enable using ATACMS -type munitions, but then again would not be our first half-assed purchase with great ideas but lacking in results... Vickers anyone?)
-Hornet AG ammo (is 110% sure to be bought, but type of ammo/amount of it is unsure...)
-Lockheed C-130 (was rumours from quite high level in the air at the same time as CASA/Spartan tests were on... same with flying tankers for our Hornets. Latter did not materialize, C-130 may become true as our involvement in "peace keeping" is ever growing... (and what is more humiliating than lendind an Antonov?))
-Jurmo NEMO (tests have taken place, results seem satisfactory, currently coastal troops' mortars are towed with trucks... 1+1=?)
Another quick note, about vision setting I've used for infantry...
-10 = hand held II device, such as Wild Big, or bit older II device that can be used as a sight, such as Pilkington)
-15 = VV2000/VV2002
-40 = Matis Handheld Mk 3