
February 27th, 2008, 05:40 AM
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Re: Ogre Kingdoms minor fix
Same way he got the chains off the wall when he was imprisoned, he'll swing them around until things break.
Seriously though he has 3 attacks. Fleshflayer his magic weapon causes additional weakness and does 13 nostr damage, he then gets ogre smash str based attack and finally he gets a 'dark chains' attack which has secondaryeffect of enslave mind. I originally had the twin spear effect as a secondaryeffect so stuff he killed turned into soulless (and it worked, amazingly) but I decided that would be cooler in some other mod if a recruitable unit used it as a straight up weapon.
So in this case the slaves are just decorative. He does spawn and command lots of nice slave chaff though, which when it dies automatically becomes soulless.

March 23rd, 2008, 10:56 AM
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Ogre Kingdoms 0.6 released
Ok, 0.6 is up.
-- version 0.6
-- CONTENT - Added Hero 'Slavelord Braugh' and his slaves, plus his two weapons
-- FIX - Fort types checked and changed
-- TWEAK - Sacred pitfighter +10 goldcost
-- TWEAK - Bruiser and Tyrant commanders -10 goldcost each
-- TWEAK - Slavegiant gets siegebonus 5
-- FIX - added the missing mountainsurvival to gnoblar units
-- TWEAK - deathbelcher weapon better, unit +4 goldcost
-- TWEAK - gave yhetee coldpower 2
It's attached to the first post as always.
Attached to this post is just a preview pic.

March 23rd, 2008, 11:24 AM
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Re: Ogre Kingdoms 0.6 released
Just so that you know, I'm in love with ScrapLaunchers.
When I have enough to kill fairly large groups of tower shield holding, plate hauberk wearing abysian infantry is that too many? c:
Thanks for all the great work Sombre. And I'm glad pitfighters got a slightly higher cost - they are crazy with a decent bless. N9? That gives them 5 regeneration a turn and +6 berserk. +6. When they go berserk that's 3 attacks each at attack 17(16 for the smash) and strength 22, with their attacks doing damage: 27, 27, 21 respectively.
I've had single berserk pitfighters take out entire squares of enemies in a single turn - almost no regular troops will stand up to them on a square-by-square basis.
Throw in Bullgorger and maybe bloodgruel and the only thing that has any chance of stopping these guys is something that targets their MR.
One of my favourite things about these guys? They can make use of any bless. Okay, unless you're taking it to level 9 and combining it with bloodgruel to fight a blood nation air might be a bit useless, but even death/blood blesses help these guys(death: kills SCs. blood: kills everything).
The best part? ScrapLaunchers work perfectly with these guys. Sure, the pitfighters don't need much help killing things, but what do they need? Yes, they need incredibly inaccurate, low damage friendly fire that will send them berserk before battle so that their regeneration can kick in and heal them back up while they prance around tougher than fully armoured knights.
Slave Giants are absolute beasts. Incredibly vunerable(my prophet with his N9 bless being slightly less so) compared to alot of ogre units, but absolutely devastating. They are a little too expensive/vunerable to risk against any decently damaging chaff, but if you let these guys get near the enemy elites then there's a pretty good chance that your enemy will cry while watching the battle replay. That is a good thing.

March 23rd, 2008, 12:04 PM
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Re: Ogre Kingdoms 0.6 released
Try dropping trollguts and toothcracker on a slave giant. Toughens them up considerably. It does take quite an investment though. Don't put bullgorger on them, it just makes them better at accidentally killing themselves (they can do that even swinging at a lone militia).
Bullgorger actually works great with hordes of gnoblars.
I'm still tweaking pitfighters and scraplaunchers, because they're pretty easy to make overpowered.

March 23rd, 2008, 01:25 PM
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Re: Ogre Kingdoms 0.6 released
Toothcraker does what? Give them two extra protection. Nice, but not great. I agree on the trollguts for giants and bullgorger for gnoblars though.

March 23rd, 2008, 01:32 PM
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Re: Ogre Kingdoms 0.6 released
Map for ThreeWay blitz.

March 23rd, 2008, 02:11 PM
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Re: Ogre Kingdoms 0.6 released
Map for TwoWay blitz.

March 23rd, 2008, 03:10 PM
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Re: Ogre Kingdoms 0.6 released
Toothcracker doesn't give two extra protection. It gives stone skin. I'm pretty sure that's a substantial increase to the giants natural prot.

March 23rd, 2008, 03:49 PM
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Re: Ogre Kingdoms 0.6 released
Beautiful mod, as always, Sombre. A thousand thank-yous for all your very hard, very talented, work. Do you ever use a lightpen or are you amongst the ranks who have tragically been crippled by the infamous "point and click" torture?
By the way, since the AI isn't using slave giants very effectively, I was wondering if maybe you'd given some thought to having a different version of Ogre Kingdoms for the AI. The AI could maybe get a special unit in place of the Slave Giant (with no need to redo the artwork), that *will* run up to the enemy (with a high movement, so it gets a good head start), dies quickly (1 hp, 0 prot.), and then transforms into a Slave Giant.
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!

March 23rd, 2008, 06:07 PM
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Re: Ogre Kingdoms 0.6 released
I don't have a tablet or anything special for doing graphics. I use Paint Shop Pro and a mouse. I'm not an artistically talented person, but I am happy with some of the unit graphics I've managed to churn out, particularly in this mod. The Slaughtermaster, Western Maneater and Braugh the Slavelord are favourites of mine.
As for an AI version of the giant, yeah, it wouldn't be too hard. The best idea might just be to have the slavegiant as a recruitable rather than a commander, in the AI version.
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