
September 4th, 2009, 04:39 AM
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Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!

Lets just keep playing... Miracles do happen time after time. Who knows, maybe its not as bleak as it seems.

September 6th, 2009, 12:18 PM
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Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!
Huh, I don't like the situation in the north. At least I hope that Marignon has same feelings about his south.

September 7th, 2009, 11:57 PM
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Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!
I know its late, but, I would like to appeal for a 48 hour extension on this turn.

September 8th, 2009, 05:50 PM
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Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!
To shed some light on the situation:
I went to help Ryleth in the beginning when Ryleth was at war with Atlantis and loosing. I NAPed to Ryleth even earlier. Once my attack commenced - and, due to my sailers, with a lot of success - Atlantis went AI. I didnt manage to conquer his territory though, as I cant take his water provinces and his monolith pretender is too strong.
During this time Ermor asked me for a NAP. I declined, as I was sure Ermor would only grow stronger in time and I was the prime nation to stop it. In fact, probably the only one, though I was not among the top 5 nation when I declared war on Ermor. I just thought my H3 priests would be enough.
The war started well, until Rigor mortis came into play after I took about 15 provinces from Ermor. Now the front has stalled, and only recently I was able to gain some ground by using an Earth master in combination with the medusa shield and about 14 revigoration. Together with 8 priests.
All my cries for help against this menace went unheard but of for Abyssia, who got attacked my Man before he could do anything.
Then, all of a sudden, Ryleth attacked a province of mine - unsucessfully. I thought this must be due to an insane commander (it cant happen, can it?) and decided to look over it. Next turn, the same happened. I decided to write Ryleth a message. Next turn, he attacked with 300+ troops.
My tries to solve this situation diplomatically failed - though I explained the situation with the NAP to the new player, he announced he was "commited" to the war now and will not turn back.
With Ermor pushing through the oceans for my island homes, and Ryleth going in from the south, I'm temptered to go AI. I cannont stand for more than 3 turns in any sensible way.
So I would definitly vote to end this game and declare Ermor the winner.

September 9th, 2009, 01:27 PM
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Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!
Well, as we are talking stories I could as well tell mine.
I got it easy early on, with Gath underperforming. His neighbours should have used it too, not let me grab all his provs and his cap. Same for Pythium - got his cap easily. Jomon got into defensive position really fast, so I grabbed his provs with ease [dunno what was his plan with almost no research and really big income]. I had no plans to attack Jomon really, but his massive gold income would mean he could spam so many forts and priests and he'd be a huge threat for me, sooner or later.
I was not prepared at all for war with Marignon - it were provs I just gained, far far from my dominion and my armies, which were fighting Pythium and Gath at that point. So I lost about 15 provs to Mari before I could deploy Rigor Mortis casters and other troops. I then got a chance to regroup, move my armies, get some research done and mass armies to open new fronts, through water, to Marignon cap.

September 10th, 2009, 04:38 AM
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Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!
I staled five turns in a row in the early game due to some misplanning on my part, I tried to regrasp the situation but with Ermor going into offensive there was nothing to do but to deny any income possible for them 

September 10th, 2009, 03:13 PM
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Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!
So what's the situation?

September 11th, 2009, 08:54 PM
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Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!
Yay, I have 45 forts 

September 12th, 2009, 02:44 AM
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Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!
I've just sent in this turn.
Would like an extension on the next turn until teusday please.
Sorry I am going slow, real life is hitting me like a ton of bricks right now.

September 13th, 2009, 12:41 PM
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Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!
wow I've only been playing D3 for a couple weeks and already certain sure do seem pissed at me since i took over Ry'leh  I don't think there is any good reason for it through...
Originally Posted by Kuritza
As far as I understand, Rlyeh for metagaming reasons backstabbed Marignon, the only player with a border to Ermor who was sane enough to try and actually fight him.
Okay, well I guess I see why someone might be mad at me. I can even see why you might assume that from what I said. But that’s not what I meant. Here is what actually went down:
1. As I start subbing for Ry’leh, the previous player informs me that I have NAP’s with Marignon, Ermor and some other stuff.
2. Zeldor is the only one to contact me and offer to work with me. He tells me that Marignon has (since the other player has been staleing) stabbed Ry’leh in the back and taken a bunch of my provinces. He names the specific provinces and the map seems to corroborate what he is saying. Zeldor suggested that I help him and counter-attack Marignon which I agree to.
3. Ossa/Marignon starts whining incessantly about how I attacked him and broke our NAP. I start to get a little annoyed. I tell him that I hope there are no hard feelings and that I am happy to work with him in other games.
4. Ossa PM’s me that, because of what I did in setsumi, he is renouncing our NAP-3 in a different game (Zebra). He sneak attacks me there before I even read the message. Now I am kind of pissed since this is flagrant metagraming which is forbidden in Zebra. I consider whining about it but decide to just let it be.
5. Ossa then sends out a message to all in setsumi whining about how unfair it is that I attacked him and how I am a liar and I can’t be trusted. Now I’m really pissed so I fire back a response pointing out how full of crap he is.
I’m sorry I mentioned Zebra at all, the only reason it even came up is because of Ossa’s metagaming. In fact, Ossa is the ONLY one metagaming here, not me. All I did was call him on his crap.
Last edited by SciencePro; September 13th, 2009 at 01:10 PM..
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