I have a few suggestions for the Staghound Mk Is in WinSPWW2: (1) increase the crew to five (commander, gunner, loader, driver and bow gunner), (2) add a .30 cal Browning BMG and (3) slightly increase the number of 37 mm rounds to 103. A few Staghounds could also have smoke dischargers added.
They can be found in the following orbats:
Great Britain
Spob07/ Units 050 and 111
Unit 111 could have a smoke discharger added.
Spob02/ Unit 045
Australia/New Zealand
Spob15/ Units 050 and 111
Unit 111 could have a smoke discharger added.
Indian Army
Spob18/ Units 050 and 111
Unit 050 could have a smoke discharger added.
The Netherlands
Spob28/ Units 047 and 327
Unit 047 could have a smoke discharger added.
Unit 327 is an APC.
Spob30/ Units 050 and 111.
Spob34/ Unit 439
I will probably suggest a few tweaks to the availability dates sometime in the future.