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Old October 30th, 2006, 08:21 PM

Fiveangels Fiveangels is offline
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Default Put some reviews on Amazon plz

Hello all,

I am a long time SEIV and soon to be 5 player who has lurked here for years. Amazon is selling SEV and has one bad user review. As I have not recieved ny copy yet I am not able to tell prospective buyers the game has merits.
Old October 31st, 2006, 09:46 PM

Astax Astax is offline
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Default Re: Put some reviews on Amazon plz

Ummm why would people lie? The game is hardly what I would considered finished. There needs to be a penalty for realising your beta version software. A penlaty like turning off prospective buyers.
Old October 31st, 2006, 10:14 PM
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Default Re: Put some reviews on Amazon plz

He didn't tell people to lie and SE5 has alot of good points and the bugs that there were are qucikly being trounced in patches.
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Old October 31st, 2006, 10:21 PM

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Default Re: Put some reviews on Amazon plz

So you are of the opinion that it is fien to release a buggy unfinished product as long as it is patched in the future? Complacancy like that is the reason for the PC game market being in the state it is in.

He is telling people to basically prop up a game he has not yet played himself! That is the biggest example of blind cheerleading I had ever seen. What about people who actually depend on these reviews to make their purchasing decisions? I have been burned many times by reviews that painted game that certainly didn't desrve my money as the best thing under the sun.
Old October 31st, 2006, 10:31 PM
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Default Re: Put some reviews on Amazon plz

Then you didn't research the game enough. There are usually many reviews from different sources on any game, and I will usually want to play some form of demo of the game before I buy.

As for SEV, yes its buggy, but it is one guy, not a cast of 100 people or more. Plus his track record on any of his past projects is more of a reason to support his continued efforts. If you like SEIV, you will more than likely have fun with SEV. It will easily be around for 6 or more years just like its predecessor.
Old October 31st, 2006, 10:44 PM

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Default Re: Put some reviews on Amazon plz

How much do I have to research a game before I buy it? It used to be a quick glance at the box was enough. Now I have to read many reviews and play the demo ebcause all most games are now a days is pretty graphics and crappy or buggy game engine.

I like SE V but I could not honestly tell anyone to go out and buy it. I would instead tell them to wait a few months for the bugs to be sorted out. Why are you attacking me for having an honest opinion?
Old November 1st, 2006, 12:28 AM
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Default Re: Put some reviews on Amazon plz

Man those people who give the game a negative review without ever having actually played the game or know of the franchise are really just clueless. This applies to all negative reviews based upon the demo and not the full version of the game posted by poeple who haven't ever played an SE game before and don't have a clue to Aarons history with supporting his games.
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Old November 1st, 2006, 12:59 AM
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Default Re: Put some reviews on Amazon plz

Astax said:
Why are you attacking me for having an honest opinion?

Attacking? Huh? He was merely disagreeing; I see nothing construable as an attack?
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Old November 1st, 2006, 03:13 AM
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Default Re: Put some reviews on Amazon plz

Astax said:
Ummm why would people lie? The game is hardly what I would considered finished. There needs to be a penalty for realising your beta version software. A penlaty like turning off prospective buyers.
Why would you consider what SFI did to be a bad thing? I mean now that the game has been released the bug reports are coming in. Many new bugs have been discovered and are now being looked at by Aaron. The more people playing the game simply means that more bug reports are going to be generated and reported resulting in a better campusing of the issues and much more indepth patches and improvements.

I think that SFI did the right thing here even if it does cost some sales, in the end the ends do justify the means, and those ends are an improved game.

I like SE V but I could not honestly tell anyone to go out and buy it. I would instead tell them to wait a few months for the bugs to be sorted out. Why are you attacking me for having an honest opinion?
This is a vary fair statement. And no one is attacking you over your opinion. Like I have said before, the nay sayers often point out the flaws that no one else would dare to do. The end result is attention gets applied toward the problems. 1 nay sayer carries more weight than 100 pro-spouters.
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Old November 2nd, 2006, 02:10 AM
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Default Re: Put some reviews on Amazon plz

Bought the game before the 1.08 patch, played it for hours the day I got it, didn't crash, didn't break, had a blast exploring the galaxy and tech tree. It was plenty complete(more so then the likes of moo3, civ3, star fleet command, tribes vengence and a few other games that did break on takeoff), and in no way a "beta" version, aside from stuff that I knew was in the bug reports that would crash the game(IE guy goes to a doctor and says it hurts when I do thi, doc goes don't do that) I still managed to find tons to occupy my time and attention, I had fun, I enjoyed it, these aren't lies. Maybe I'm just more intuitive then the average guy because I picked up the UI in a few minutes(I really don't see how you can't... between the lower right panel, the right click menu, the bar up top the hotkeys and the map....), even found the scrap facilities button on my own. Also, with the promise of further patching and maybe even an SEV gold, a rock solid community, I knew this was a very sound investment and would be more then willing to recomend it to other players.

Truth is computer games(and programs themselves, IE windows) have bugs, they will always have bug, SEIV still has bugs, nintendo games with all their army of QA still get bugs, glitches and broken games(IE the +5 bottle trick in LoZ OoT, the skulltulla cheat, ect). It's not like we have another MoO3 here, a game that was given tons of delays, and still released in terible shape and then abbandonned by it's company to a few modders who managed to make it about half as playable as SEV is now. SEV was developed on schedual, released more or less on time(jumped the gun a little but still patched within a couple weeks with another on the way), patched on time and will continue to be patched regularly for years with the combined efforts of a community far larger then moo3's. These facts alone should either negate any innitial dissapointments, or a tleast give enough of an optimistic outlook to warant a resounding recomendation to anyone from the hard core strategy fan or the newbie who has never even played checkers or chess but secretly longs to be a space emporer.
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