
June 24th, 2008, 05:18 PM
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TucoTuco - MA game for new/newish players (upload)
Since Peccary filled up fast, I thought I'd do another newbie game, this one MA.
Server: LlamaServer (automated play-by-email)
Hosting interval: Initially 24 hours
Age: Middle
Graphs: On
Settings: Default except for renaming on, HoF 15
Mods: Worthy Heroes 1.8
Map: Modified Parganos (I have a version which has a somewhat fairer spread of terrains than the default, so you don't get one person with all the farmland). This will be a dead seas version, meaning the seas will give no income and contain no magic sites
Players: 8
Please sign up and say what nation you'd like!
Also, I will need someone to admin the game for me. That just means if someone asks for an extension, or later on if players agree to change the hosting interval to 48 hours, the admin does that via the LlamaServer website. It's a very small job if you read the forums reasonably often, and it prevents me from going mad, so if someone would like to volunteer for that I would greatly appreciate it.
The players are:
Pangaea - fakeymcfake
Arcoscephale - Skirmisher
Gath - Cerlin
Caelum - JimMorrison
Abysia - don_Pablo
Bandar Log - Natpy
T'ien Ch'i - Wrana
Vanheim - Darkstone
To upload your pretenders:
- Make sure you don't have any mods enabled, although only mods affecting pretender design, such as Conceptual Balance, actually matter
- Go to Game Tools -> Create a pretender god in Dominions. Don't set a password, since for PBEM games they're not helpful and occasionally annoying (e.g. if you need a sub)
- Go to the savedgames/newlords folder in the dominions directory, and find your pretender file (e.g. mid_pythium_0.2h)
- E-mail the file to: pretenders[ at ]llamaserver[ dot ]net
- Crucially, you must have the game name 'TucoTuco' in the subject line of your e-mail
A few minutes later you should get a confirmation e-mail, and if you check the website you should find your nation added to the list of nations which have joined the game.
If later you think of an improvement to your pretender, you can send it in again. Provided the game hasn't actually started the server will accept your revised pretender, and send you an e-mail to say so.

June 24th, 2008, 05:21 PM
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Re: TucoTuco - MA game for new/newish players (signup)
I'll reserve a spot for Skirmisher, since he missed out on the last game.

June 24th, 2008, 05:43 PM
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Re: TucoTuco - MA game for new/newish players (signup)
Bah, on second thought, I don't want to overextend myself. (I have three other games going.) I'll back out, sorry.

June 24th, 2008, 06:51 PM
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Re: TucoTuco - MA game for new/newish players (signup)
Probably wise, to be honest. Three games can get a bit much once the turns begin to take longer.

June 24th, 2008, 09:44 PM
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Re: TucoTuco - MA game for new/newish players (signup)
Put me down for Pangaea

June 24th, 2008, 10:14 PM
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Re: TucoTuco - MA game for new/newish players (signup)
Arcoscephale for me please, thanks for saving a spot.
I've just played EA so far,is MA higher tech or something?

June 24th, 2008, 11:13 PM
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Re: TucoTuco - MA game for new/newish players (sig
Id play as new MA Gath nation if you dont mind.
Edit: if not thats ok too. 
"Talk is cheap, but if it keeps your belly full and your grave empty it is worth more than gold." - Lords of Magic Manual.
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June 25th, 2008, 04:19 AM
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Re: TucoTuco - MA game for new/newish players (sig
(That would be be MA Ashdod, I believe.  )
I tried to resist, the best that I could..... I should like to take Caelum for a spin, if I may. <3

June 25th, 2008, 05:37 AM
Re: TucoTuco - MA game for new/newish players (sig
Abysia please )

June 25th, 2008, 10:06 AM
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Re: TucoTuco - MA game for new/newish players (sig
Bandar Log please.
Where can I get this map?
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