Bocage can be a mare restricts vehicle options quite drasticly so keep an eye on how to approach. Sharing the same hex is not a sensible idea normaly only tend to do when unloading or possibly if about to move through a tree line or in woods.
Infantry in front distance varies open ground quite far so can hopefully see ATG if fire & even help kill.
More clutered keep reasonably close they are really all scouts trying to find the enemy.
A good tactic if possible 2 platoons forward 1 back with the Co Leader & keeping a loose V.
This means if you get engaged Co Leader has a better chance to rally as one platoon in reserve, they can either move to assist or if just in front of your armour can move to check LOS. If its good & safe for armour you can now move your tanks up knowing they have a shot.
If your infantry suddenly gets out of its depth or tanks to far back to support etc dont engage move back to safety if can or pop smoke till you are in a better position to commit. Well thats the theory they may have plans of their own

Try putting tactics in search engine towns has been covered before clear by the block trying to isolate it & kill runners rather than walk into them again once recovered.