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Search: Posts Made By: Emperor Fritsch the Dense
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V November 15th, 2005, 01:49 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 1,607
Re: New Star Wars Reb mod issues

Not sure, i dont have my laptop with me atm. Another issue ive seen is AIs not using the Hyperspace components. Not sure if you guys can do anything about that one.
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V November 14th, 2005, 02:56 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 1,607
Re: New Star Wars Reb mod issues

I found the issue causing the main problem. I still had the mod setting up random races. There is still an error that pops up *$*@ about drones. /shrug dosnt matter it works now and i like it. Thanks...
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V November 11th, 2005, 11:09 AM
Replies: 8
Views: 1,607
New Star Wars Reb mod issues

Anyone else get erros using this mod? After making sure only SW races are in the game it still comes up with Drone attack errors between turns.
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V September 22nd, 2005, 12:25 PM
Replies: 155
Views: 15,526
Re: What Is The Status Of The Star Wars Mod?

So is the mod complete? I havnt had a chance to check up on this wonderful bit of code lately.
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V July 13th, 2005, 11:14 AM
Replies: 155
Views: 15,526
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V July 13th, 2005, 10:31 AM
Replies: 155
Views: 15,526
Re: What Is The Status Of The Star Wars Mod?

Could you provide a link for DL this mod?
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V July 3rd, 2005, 11:15 PM
Replies: 28
Views: 2,604

I was talking to my father today about this movie, he was very suprised and disappointed by the ending of the movie. I read it when i was a kid and im glad they kept the ending. I have kids myself...
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V July 3rd, 2005, 10:57 PM
Replies: 155
Views: 15,526
Re: What Is The Status Of The Star Wars Mod?

Frankly if you tell me your also making a AI for your mod, you could draw the pics with a crayon and id still love it. Please please make a AI with this set omg. Id do it myself to use with another...
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V June 29th, 2005, 03:39 PM
Replies: 9
Views: 1,644
Re: New books that are out

Harry Turtledove, damn near anything by him is awesome. Im waiting to get Homebound atm.
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V June 25th, 2005, 09:18 AM
Replies: 49
Views: 3,941
Re: OT: Stupid Nazis

Egyptians and older cultures used it too, a harmless symbol forever tainted by hatred. Stupid jackoffs.
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V May 24th, 2005, 09:52 AM
Replies: 155
Views: 15,526
Re: What Is The Status Of The Star Wars Mod?

Are you going to put in a AI, or is this for player vs player only? /crosses his geeky fingers.
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V May 5th, 2005, 10:23 AM
Replies: 46
Views: 5,608
Re: HHGTTG Movie Review (And it IS good...)

I like some British humor, The Young Ones remains one of my favorite shows (i have not seen it in ages though).
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V March 18th, 2005, 04:07 PM
Replies: 11
Views: 2,784
Re: star wars ep3 pics,warning heavy spoiler

CREAP, i shoulda stopped myself from reading that. WAY to much info on that site.
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V March 12th, 2005, 09:28 AM
Replies: 6
Views: 1,351
Re: Star Wars shipset/race

I has asked the same question, the response was that several people were going to mess with it. You can do a search for topics started by me to find what they said.
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V March 10th, 2005, 11:52 AM
Replies: 119
Views: 14,021
Re: 100 Most Satisfying Moments in SEIV

Gaining an enemy ship via Intel....and finding out its a black hole generator.....in my enemies main system.....with over a hundred ships in system...then blowing it all up. i was giddy with joy on...
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V March 6th, 2005, 07:24 PM
Replies: 2
Views: 3,228
How many of you are Battlefleet Gothic addicts?

I just got into the game myself and i figured that it would call to the people that play this game as well. How about it, what fleet do you play? Im playing a Chaos fleet which i took great pride in...
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V March 3rd, 2005, 09:06 AM
Replies: 205
Views: 12,993
Re: New Galactica Series

I dont know, ive been watching it since it came out here in the states and the only episode i REALLY liked was 33. Now that episode built up the story very well. The rest i watched and i didnt feel...
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V February 21st, 2005, 06:04 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 1,842
Re: Battlefleet Gothic

Check it out, neat stuff. Id love to see a mod or the capabilty to mod SEV to it.
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V February 21st, 2005, 12:43 PM
Replies: 29
Views: 4,854
Re: Should I buy this game???

This is by far one of the best games ive ever played. And the big plus is when you beat it and its looking like its going to get boring...you just find and install the mods that these fine...
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V February 20th, 2005, 10:23 AM
Replies: 7
Views: 1,842
Battlefleet Gothic

Has anyone done or considered a Battlefleet Gothic conversion? I know a Orc AI was made, but im talking about a full tech conversion as well. I just got into BFG and man....that stuff is neato.
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V February 11th, 2005, 10:48 AM
Replies: 139
Views: 10,409
Re: Capship Mod

Please follow der suggestions! Sounds fun.
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V January 27th, 2005, 09:54 AM
Replies: 14
Views: 2,112
Re: Uh oh. GalCiv 2: Dread Lords looks pretty goo

At this point nothing besides you guys slamming SE:V when it comes out would stop me from buying it. I dont think any game can compete vs SE when it comes to the fans that post here.
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V January 21st, 2005, 10:09 AM
Replies: 15
Views: 1,953
Re: Thanks from a new player

One of the reasons i love this game is the community thats behind it. Between the guys that troll this board youll find any piece of info you need for the game and some good infos irl as well. Enjoy...
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V January 20th, 2005, 10:27 AM
Replies: 486
Views: 45,549
Re: Carrier Battles Mod

Id like to play a mod like that. Keep the capital ship weapons the same just none of them can lock onto the fast agile fighters! Maybe slow down Cap ships even more in the combat map so if you want...
Forum: Space Empires: IV & V December 20th, 2004, 10:06 AM
Replies: 9
Views: 1,440
Re: how in the nine hells

Ok i figured how to set it up and used some out of date Troop Transports to move huge amounts of troops to my staging area. But after a few turns i go back and check on the gimps they are parked and...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 81

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