
February 20th, 2005, 10:23 AM
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Battlefleet Gothic
Has anyone done or considered a Battlefleet Gothic conversion? I know a Orc AI was made, but im talking about a full tech conversion as well. I just got into BFG and man....that stuff is neato.
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February 20th, 2005, 10:52 AM
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Re: Battlefleet Gothic
I don't ever recall such a mod. But of course if their isn't one, you could always start to make one - best thing about Space Empires. 

February 20th, 2005, 02:03 PM
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Re: Battlefleet Gothic
Thing is, I don't think Space Empires really supports broadside-style combat.

February 20th, 2005, 03:11 PM
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Re: Battlefleet Gothic
What do you mean by broadside style combat? Combat where ships can't fire in any direction but instead fire only to their sides? True, SE4 doesn't support that, but you could mod Starfury so that all the firing arcs are to the sides, and presumably SE5 will work the same way, given that it will use the SF combat engine 
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February 20th, 2005, 06:05 PM
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Re: Battlefleet Gothic
Here's (certainly) hoping SEV WILL feature firing arcs...
not just for broadsides. Would make sneaking up on an enemy from behind VERY worthwhile, if the enemy only has weapons at the front and side. Would also make for chase weaponry.
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February 21st, 2005, 02:16 PM
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Re: Battlefleet Gothic
SE4 is ripe for a 40K mod. Imagine if one of the systems was a massive black hole that stood in for the eye of terror and occasionally spewed huge chaos fleets. Hope you can do that in SE5. That would be cool, especially if it happened endgame and took you down a peg or made you team up with all the other races to fight them off. Oh and if you don't know 40k you probably won't know what I'm talking about. 

February 21st, 2005, 05:59 PM
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Re: Battlefleet Gothic
I don't know it, but I get the picture.
(matter of fact I know a little - really a LITTLE - about it, so I can imagine what you're talking about.)
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February 21st, 2005, 06:04 PM
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Re: Battlefleet Gothic
Check it out, neat stuff. Id love to see a mod or the capabilty to mod SEV to it.
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