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Old August 19th, 2009, 01:49 PM

quantum_mechani quantum_mechani is offline
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Default Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.5

Originally Posted by LDiCesare View Post
Mostly one change: umbrals. Without the change I will gladly play EA Agartha, with it I will not touch them, so it ruins an entire nation.
Also horrors. I don't think Bogarus needs them that much, and it boosts other nations without need.
I also admit that CBM needs rethinking a lot of things I learnt the hard way, and I should work more to learn it. It is not bad but makes me unhappy when I realise too late something was changed that I hadn't expected.
Heh, well that's a little deceptive to talk about CB unbalancing as much as helps, when the main problems only effect four out of 70+ nations (and one of them a thematic issue).

I'm really not sure what to make of your Bogarus/horror complaint, as your idea of theme seems to run directly counter to Illwinter's here. That said, on consideration I will probably make call lesser horror research level 2 instead of 1.

Originally Posted by LDiCesare View Post
I used them with a lady of love who was quite efficient with them. A frost/fire brand + shield would have been stronger. They were still useful in expanding.
The issue is not if they can be used, it's if there is always a better option or not. As far as I can see (possibly even in CB) you would almost always rather an eye shield and any random weapon than the gloves.

Originally Posted by LDiCesare View Post
If you want to get access to acid, instead of researching evocation you now research construction. I think at Cons 4 with a lower gem price it'd be better than Cons 2 with same price.
I don't think that's the case- the staves are at best a compliment to normal acid mages. It's like saying what's the point of recruiting more than one mage to cast acid bolt, more is always better (and there is generally a much harder limit on how many staves you can do than mages).

Which is not to say I'm particularly opposed to lowering the price. But if I did it would probably be because they weren't get used much as is.

Originally Posted by LDiCesare View Post
I think they only attack blood mages? Which can restrict the risk a lot.
Not always. It's not entirely clear what the formula is for who they go after, but I think they often hunt people high in the HoF.

Originally Posted by LDiCesare View Post
I don't say it is greatly unbalanced. I just love them personally.
Um, OK, not seeing the problem- you like them, they are cheaper, not greatly unbalanced.

Originally Posted by LDiCesare View Post
If I mass some of them and tell them to attack rearmost they never will unless I put some other flier in the group. They just crawl forward on the battlefield like they were turtles.
Very odd, I'll try testing it myself. I don't think I will bump them back up in cost even if the problem is fixable though.

Originally Posted by LDiCesare View Post
Maybe but if you have to choose between her and the human sage, why would you pick the sage?
The same reason anyone chooses a rainbow, for diversity, path combos and site searches. And besides that, pretenders only available to a few nations generally have to be a little better than ones available to almost everyone, or they will see almost no use.

Originally Posted by LDiCesare View Post
I don't think the cost change makes much of a difference with regard to other troops. Spearmen sole use was they were 'fast'. Now axe and longspears are fast too. Unless I need mobility though, I still won't buy them over tower guards so the cost of tower guards/defenders doesn't do much to increase the value of the other units.
I pretty much agree, I'm not very happy with how Man's troops stand (in either era). Not that I am any more happy with how they are base.
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