Thank you for the responce,
I was thinking if there is a way to compare them (tarts) to the other chasis would be the most unbiased way of not removing them from the game but leaving an end game open to the other types of SC and making Tarts a weapon late game, but not the only weapon.
In CBM 1.7 they cost 12 a peace and u get 1/5 chance to get a usable chassis, thats 60d gems to get one + 20 for GoR, + 30-40(this varries a lot) for equipment, thats 120-130 gems so if 2-3 of other Sc-chassis can take them lets say more than 50 % of the time, costing 120-130 (thats including equipment) that would be sort of ballanced and people would start thinking why not use those and not pay for the chalice.The problem I see here is that their equipment only would cost 90-120 which is a bit unfair, but if you bump Tartarians price a bit(lets say 20- 25 for the chance to get a usable one at the begginning for less than 5 worth of them, which is a good thing) that would make their cost 100-120 + equipment = 160ish(which is as much as Seraph from a whish with ****ty equipment) = 3 commanders costing 20 gems+ 30 gems worth of equipment. And if 3 commanders cant beat them then higher the price even more

Another option is to give them only to some races, which have hard time early on,(with the higher price,and not ruining the story of the game its possible).
Keep in mind though that there doesn't exist a prefectly balanced game (with diverse civilizations,races whatever)and thats the whole beauty of it - diversity. In most of the games you pick your side and you know- now I'll have easy time early game, but later on its gonna be harder or the opposite

so its all about personal preference.
P.S. I know that its not an easy thing to balance the game so, I want to appologise in advance if I am completely wrong, those are my thoughts on the matter and I'm just trying to help the community
