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Old June 17th, 2004, 09:32 AM
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Default OT: I just caught some punk

No crap while I was typing my Last message I heard something odd out side and when I flicked on the side light, one of those big barn lights, this punk went running away and jumped into a beater POS car and speed off into the back..... DUH theres only one place to go back there and thats the druggy house..... I am talking to 911 now..... BRB.
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Old June 17th, 2004, 09:46 AM
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Default Re: OT: I just caught some punk

You do seem to live in an "interesting" neighbourhood, didn't you have some "lively" neighbours some time ago?

EDIT: Ahh, the druggy house, now I get it, thought it was some kind of ****house.
But I guess it's where those previous "lively" neighbours lived..

[ June 17, 2004, 08:47: Message edited by: Ruatha ]
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Old June 17th, 2004, 09:50 AM
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Default Re: OT: I just caught some punk

The 911 operator said there have been a rash of calls about prowlings in our area tonight. They will send a car out to look around.

Look around, the little tweaker was trying to steal gas out of my truck......! His hose and can are still next to my truck...!!!!

I told here that I thought he was armed, so I did not confront him, just yelled at him... I hope they take it seriously as this crap is getting out of hand.

Do any of you know anything about setting up your computer to work as a security station.... IE motion sensors attacked to small digital video cameras or web cams?

The cops won't do jack about these druggy low life tweakers who keep coming around and stealing stuff. Hell Last week we cought one trying to sell one of the horse.... Seriously he told this lady that he had a horse for sale and was all shocked and stuff when we asked him WTF he was doing on our property..... The lady told us he was selling her his horse.... HIS horse... Hell the cops didn't even come out to take a report on it... That was a clear signal to these POS that its ok to do what they are doing... We had to move the horse into the secure pasture and cancel our trip this weekend because of it. We need to move them to a boarding stable while we are gone, and the owners don't have the money to do that. (So we are stuck here watching them.)

Now this skinny hobo tweaker SF looser druggie attempts to siphon gas out of my truck! And once again the COPS won't do a GD thing about it.
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Old June 17th, 2004, 09:54 AM
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Default Re: OT: I just caught some punk

Originally posted by Ruatha:
You do seem to live in an "interesting" neighbourhood, didn't you have some "lively" neighbours some time ago?

EDIT: Ahh, the druggy house, now I get it, thought it was some kind of ****house.
But I guess it's where those previous "lively" neighbours lived..
same ones. The jerk they busted Last year around this time is still in jail. She moved in a new one and all his low life trailer trash druggy punk friends. And this guy is a real looser let me tell you. I mean he is a creepy SOB. He looks like that ape from Any Which Way You Can, not the ape ape, but the bold biker ape looking guy. What a dog faced age reject thing he is. What are the odds that his parents would meet and spawn such a thing, and how astornomical are the odds that he would find a women willing to over look his ... well him and have sex with him thus producing the little bare foot theiving varmits that now infest this once peaceful neighborhood. Hell I can't even get a date unless she weighs 800 pounds and this ape managed to get in with the druggy women. (Sick but true.) BRB Cop Car....
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Old June 17th, 2004, 10:11 AM
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Default Re: OT: I just caught some punk

The Cop went back and talked to them and they all said that they were asleep. However the care that I described was listed as stolen so its going to be impounded. Since it was not on their property they can deny knowning anything about who was driving it.

Oh loddy whoopi de F'in doo.

I guess I get to keep the gas can and hose those, the COP did not take them.

I wish it was legal to shoot people like that, you know like you buy a tag and when you catch them stealing from you, boom - tage and bag. But alas it is not, and the law is unwilling to do anything about them until someone hurts them and then that person is going to jail and the low life trailer trash druggies get to sue you.

I tell you it is simply not right.

(The officer told me that if I would have attempted to detain the individual I cought, I could have been arrested for assualt. WTF kind of FU criminal system do we now live under???

WTF is the world coming too when a low life druggy has more GD rights than someone like me? Oh I get it, its because they are a low life druggy, they are a minority and thus are protected or something. Like the spotted owl.

Unless the COPS catch them or I can prove who it was, I am SOL.

[ June 17, 2004, 09:11: Message edited by: Atrocities ]
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Old June 17th, 2004, 10:12 AM
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Default Re: OT: I just caught some punk

It might make the neighborhood safer if you installed the camera's and took pictures till you had a pile of evidence to take in.

Also, buy a gun.
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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Old June 17th, 2004, 10:25 AM
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Default Re: OT: I just caught some punk

You could a get a cheap motion detector connected to the barn lamp, not that expensive.
Then set up a web camera to your PC with a security program that starts recording when something moves.
there are some freeware I belive.
The problem is that movement occurs often outside without it being a thief. But I belive the sensitivity can be adjusted so that it only starts when the light switches on.
And a webcam, altough cheap isn't the best quality to try to identify someone with.
Better is a digital video camera connected to the PC so that it starts the camera, a bit more expensive.
And cameras directed outside isn't legal (Here we are again) everywhere.

EDIT Quick google search
Thief jailer

[ June 17, 2004, 09:28: Message edited by: Ruatha ]
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Old June 17th, 2004, 10:25 AM
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Default Re: OT: I just caught some punk

Originally posted by narf poit chez BOOM:
It might make the neighborhood safer if you installed the camera's and took pictures till you had a pile of evidence to take in.

Also, buy a gun.
The camera idea.

Around here a gun would just get you shot. The cops here consistantly get away with blowing inocent people away. They plant evidence or a weapon to make it a "rightous" shooting. (Look up how many officer related fatal shootings have occured in Portland since 1990 - its amazing)

No the guns stay locked up. Better to just get them on tape and go from their.
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Old June 17th, 2004, 10:32 AM
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Default Re: OT: I just caught some punk

Originally posted by Ruatha:
You could a get a cheap motion detector connected to the barn lamp, not that expensive.
Then set up a web camera to your PC with a security program that starts recording when something moves.
there are some freeware I belive.
The problem is that movement occurs often outside without it being a thief. But I belive the sensitivity can be adjusted so that it only starts when the light switches on.
And a webcam, altough cheap isn't the best quality to try to identify someone with.
Better is a digital video camera connected to the PC so that it starts the camera, a bit more expensive.
And cameras directed outside isn't legal (Here we are again) everywhere.
Its legal to use video cameras to record for security purposes. The government uses them on signals, we now have video cell phones, and people often record events and other things out side. I think what is illegal is if you attempt to illegally record someone with a hidden camera while they are undressing or something.

I like the idea about using a motion sensor light. Thanks for suggesting it. We have one up by the barn and it would not take much to put another by the vehicle park way. Right now all I have is the 10k Protable hand held lamp. (Very bright indeed but runs out of juice quickly.)

I found a place on the web that sells the digital camera systems for around $1,000.00 so I might go that route.
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Old June 17th, 2004, 11:36 AM
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Default Re: OT: I just caught some punk

If you're going to install floodlights, be careful.

Many thieves & prowlers *prefer* houses with high-powered motion-triggered halogen spotlights. These lights are so bright that they cast very dark, very deep shadows, and the sharp contrast makes it very difficult to spot someone hiding in those shadows- more difficult than if the whole area remained in half-light.

Therefore, make sure you position the lights so as not to create any shady hiding places for the bad guys.
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