
October 22nd, 2007, 02:16 AM
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game history?
Hello all. I just ordered this game after recieving the promotion from Stardock and playing the demo a bit, as it seems to be the fantasy 4x version of Galciv 2, and since then I've been reading up a bit on the forums to try and hit the groud running when my copy arrives. However, I was curious about the history of the world where this game takes place in. Are there histories out there to put all of these nations and the three ages into context (I play paradox games like HOI 2, Victoria, EUII and III, in addition to Galciv ect... so I'm used to complex strategy gaming but right now the sheer scope of this game and the variety of nations is quite overwelming)?

October 22nd, 2007, 02:23 AM
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Re: game history?
Yes, there is. I actually have a fairly good overall picture of the main events and I'll endeavour to post it later, when I have a bit more time.

October 22nd, 2007, 02:55 AM
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Re: game history?
That would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

October 22nd, 2007, 03:59 AM
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Re: game history?
If you play 1 nation through all the ages ie...EA then the MA version etc...you can discover the history of the various nations.
For example Ermor and its descent into a realm of death where only the dead walk from a powerful human empire in the EA, with a roman theme. You then find out Pythium splintered off from Ermor to avoid its fate etc, etc...
The hero descriptions for the nations fill in some gaps here and there as well.

October 22nd, 2007, 04:41 AM
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Re: game history?
Yeah like Malphas for Abysia.

October 22nd, 2007, 04:48 AM
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Re: game history?
Okay, I have a few minutes now, so let's see:
Ermor was an empire that subjugated most of the known world during the early ages, annexing and absorbing the nations of Ulm, Marverni, Sauromatia and others. Whether or not it conquered C'tis is unclear, but they had friendly relations and Ermorian Augurs learned Death magic from C'tissian Sauromancers.
Other nations in the EA whose history is not as intimately entwined with Ermor are the various -heims, Van-, Hel- and Niefelheim who war with each other. Mainly Vanheim warring with both of the others, and the enmity between Tir na n'Og and Fomoria. Both have a very oblique connection to Ermor via the Partholonians, who once lived in Sauromatia but left that land.
Arcoscephale is in its golden age and in the jungles the monkey nations of Kailasa and Lanka war with each other and the bloodthirsty humans of Mictlan. Machaka (if we ever get an Early Era one) is not yet extant, but it's remotely possible we could get one at some point. The underground world belongs to Agarthans.
In the seas the Atlantians are emerging from the depths to challenge the Aboleths (R'lyeh) and Oceania.
This then is where the Dom3 history diverges.
According to the way nations are et up in Dom3, Ermor went into a slow decline and is trying to hold the gates of Death closed to prevent a catastrophe stemming from misapplication of C'tissian Death magic. This has allowed the former vassal nations to break free. Ulm has turned to steel and might of arms, shunning magic. Marverni, a nation of Earth and Nature, has become Marignon, a religious theocracy partial to Fire and Astral magic. Pythium, in the lands of the former Sauromatia is the closest heir to the imperial traditions of old Ermor. C'tis festers in its swamps. Agartha has been conquered by humans and very few Pale Ones survive.
Elsewhere, Helheim is no more, having become one with Vanheim and the Niefel giants are gone, leaving Jotunheim in the care of lesser giants. Tir na n'Og defeated Fomoria, but has perished, divided between the witches of the kingdom of Man and the Fir Bolg and Milesians of Eriu. Some Sidhe still live in Eriu and rule that land.
Arcoscephale is still enduring, Lanka is defeated and Kailasa has become Bandar Log and Mictlan is ruled by the Lawgiver, with blood sacrifice banned. Machaka, a cultic nation of Earth and Death has emerged from the jungles.
In the seas, a star has fallen from the sky and destroyed the Aboleth nation, leaving only scattered remnants. In their place are now the Starspawn of R'lyeh who have a very similar outlook to the Aboleths themselves. The Atlantis of the Depths is gone, destroyed in that same cataclysm and the Mages and Mothers of the Deep have seized power and replaced the Basalt Kings and Queens. Oceania has seen the coming of the Capricorns and underwater satyrs but are still strong.
MIDDLE ERA, FORK 2 (original history)
Ermor was destroyed in catastrophic disaster that reduced it to an ashen wasteland devoid of life. The former vassal nations have broken away and doing their best to defend against the incursions from the Ashen Empire. Pythium keeps alive the Imperial traditions. Ulm relies on steel, Marignon on religion to keep the darkness at bay.
Arco, Bandar Log, Machaka, C'tis and the seas the same as in Fork 1, same with Man, Eriu et al.
Ermor has finally fallen into the darkness of the Ashen Empire after its efforts to hold Death at bay failed and everyone does whatever they need to defend against it. Marignon has turned to devil worship and conquering new lands and become a corrupt kingdom. Ulm is even worse off, having had a civil war where the Keep of Ulm was destroyed and a great Malediction has turned the land itself dark and evil-aspected and fell creatures roam the night. From a lnad of no magic, it has become very much a magical realm, though most of it is practiced in secret. Pythium is still an empire, but the Theurgic order is now just one of many cults and the C'tissian influenced Serpent Cult is the most prominent one.
Vanheim has become a land of men and Vanir are in decline. The goblins have vanished from Jotunheim and men have replaced them as allies of the giants. Agartha is inhabited by men and the Pale Ones are extinct, but their remains worshipped. Arco is emerging anew. Eriu is gone and Man is suffering under a curse that affects magic and has become a more oppressive land, devoid of much of magic.
Bandar Log has become a nation ruled by Nagas who have taken the place of the Yakshas of ancient times. Machaka has vanished.
In the seas, R'lyeh has conquered Atlantis and Oceania. Oceanians have been killed and enslaved and nothing remains of their kingdom. Atlantians are in exile, the greater portion fled to the Coast of Ice and Bones in the far north and taking up ice crafting they learned from captive Caelians. They wish to return to the sea and drive R'lyeh out. Another Atlantean faction fled to the swamps and jungles of Mictlan, where they overthrew LAwgiver's reign and reinstituded the old Blood Cult, with Atlantean Kings of Rain at the very top of the priestly order. They also wish to reconquer the seas. R'lyeh is a nation of slaves held in thrall by the illithid overlords, but gripped by insanity pouring forth from the Void Gate, the Dreams of a mad god of the Void affecting the world.
LATE ERA, FORK 2 (original history)
Ermor has little place here, or perhaps as the Broken Empire of the current middle era trying to repopulate the lands of the vanquished Ashen Empire, or an exile splinter nation with Pythian influences, but this would require an extensive rewrite of the nation and some other things. Note that this paragraph is pure speculation.
Everything else as above.
Abysia and Caelum are largely unaffected by the forks in the road.
Abysia started out as a realm of long-lived magma beings who were corrupted to a shortened lifespan and a brutal blood sacrificial cult by the Abyssal influences of the heliophagi. In the Early Era the corruption is only beginning, in the Middle Era it is at its peak and in the Late Era true Abysians are a dying species with the bulk of the population consisting of humanbreds who are no longer mere slaves.
Caelum starts out as a union of three clans under the Yazatas, the Eagle Kings in the Early Era. After a civil war, the Raptor Clan is banished and the High Caelians rule the Middle Era. In the Late Era, the Raptors return and replace the High Caelians.
That's about the size of it.
The various forks in the road are the result of Dominions 2 themes, which were basically alternate histories of what happened to the various nations. In Dom3, some of those fell naturally to the Era-based continuum, but some (Ermor most notably) did not fit well and a lot of backfitting had to be done, which is actually why the number two forks that are NOT in the game are (aside from the speculatives about Late Ermor) the ACTUAL intended history of the game. Some themes (mainly the many Marignon ones) have been blended together (Fires of Faith, Diabolic Faith and Conquerors of the Seas) in the Late Era, as is the case with Pangaea (New Era and Carrion Woods), which combo works the least well in my own opinion.
Hopefully this serves as a useful summary.

October 22nd, 2007, 05:08 AM
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Re: game history?
Edi said:
Hopefully this severs as a useful summary.
-clutches bleeding stump and topples over-

October 22nd, 2007, 05:17 AM
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Re: game history?
Sombre said:
Edi said:
Hopefully this severs as a useful summary.
-clutches bleeding stump and topples over-
Quiet you, there is and never has been any spelling error in my post! See for youself.
*waves hand*
You do not see the "Edited by Edi" at the bottom of the post. 

October 22nd, 2007, 05:46 PM
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Re: game history?
Thanks; I wanted to make a graphical timeline (or evolutionary tree, perhaps) of the nations for the wiki and this will help out greatly. Mind if I paraphrase with a link to credit?

October 22nd, 2007, 05:47 PM
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Early game history?
So...does an Early game start before Ermor has conquered most of the world, or is it after they have lost control of their conquests, but pre-death-magic badness?
In strait places gar keep all store,
And burn the plain land them before:
Then shall they pass away in haste,
When that they find nothing but waste...
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