
January 10th, 2008, 11:34 AM
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Sauramatia Strategy tips
Not uncommonly when I pick up a new game I just choose a team at random and stick with it. In this case it's Sauramatia.
So far the strategy I've been trying is to use Androphags in junction with Androphag Archers and it's been working okay.
Blessed with Death Weapons and Air Shield they go like blade through butter through any "creep camp" (I don't know the slang yet!) and almost any other army. Magic weapons seems to work wonders in general, and the air shield protects from friendly fire from the poison archers.
Apart from that however I'm a little lost ~~
I use luck scales for cash, and that hasn't failed me yet, but perhaps someone knows of a better strategy. What god to use, what spells to research (still a bit confused in that area), if there's a way to get any use out of the hydras etc...

January 10th, 2008, 12:06 PM
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Re: Sauramatia Strategy tips
The independent enemies are just called independents.
Luck scale provides random gems and mages (generic mages and heroes) in addition to gold and the occasional resource site, as well as protecting from population death and barbarian raids. For just gold, Order scale is better, both in the very early and the very late game. The reason for this is that you need to conquer some area before you can get the maximum amount of events available per turn (3), and that you can't get more than those.
Personally, I find that Luck is much more fun, so I prefer it over Order.
If you haven't updated to 3.10 yet, I suggest doing that. Hydras got a big change in that one, getting several forms, losing heads, etc. The first form will have just few hp, but don't care about that. Think of that as the amount of hp ONE of the heads has. That said, hydras are a bit hard to use. You could combine them with undead to finish off hard-to-hit enemy units, like sacred cavalry.
Death magic: Enchantment gets you ground troops (Reanimation is quite costly unless you get better types of undead, e.g by playing one of the giant nations, but Raise Dead/Skeletons is already quite good. Enough mages casting that can conquer provinces on their own. Pale Riders is the next big spell on Enchantment), Conjuration elites and tough commanders that you can equip for battle (Black Servants, Bane Lords and Wraith Lords are commanders).
If you go for Enchantment, Gift of Health would be really nice. If you don't want to take pretender for it, try to forge booster items. Page 282 of the manual lists the boosters. Even with them, unless you get a hero you might have to empower one of your mages, so if you don't know what else to do with a pretender take good scales, supportive bless and enough Nature to cast Gift of Health. Taking an imprisoned pretender won't hurt if you don't need him for the early game, so you can probably afford something suitable. Just remember to compare how much the magic and dominion you want cost with different forms - increasing a path gets expensive very fast unless your pretender starts with that magic.

January 10th, 2008, 12:45 PM
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Re: Sauramatia Strategy tips
Hmm... undeads you say... I haven't really given undead armies much though. They seem to crumble so quickly once the enemy gets a few priests, but you might be right...
If nothing else they could be used as terror units, taking over poorly defended provinces. Should be alright even if you lose it again the following turn(s).
The problem I have with hydras is of course that they poison everything you have while being too slow to reach archers and similar things that hurt them badly before they can even do anything. But as you say, an undead army wouldn't feel the poison... Thanks! ^^
2 more quick questions:
If you'd suggest a pretender from them, what would that be?
Would you agree that the Sauramatian province defense is one of the strongest ones?

January 10th, 2008, 01:33 PM
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Re: Sauramatia Strategy tips
The thing about undead is that you can easily get huge amounts of them, and still have your normal armies. Enchantment 1 spell Reanimation is slow. Once you have few Death 3 or Death 4 mages casting Raise Skeletons (Death 2 mages go unconscious from the fatigue too soon), you'll get a constant stream of new undead fighting for you. You'll have to position your army so that the summoned undead won't get stuck behind your real troops while your mages are protected, but that isn't hard. And once you can cast Pale Riders you can mass lots of fast undead units really fast. Most undead can also go underwater, and are immune to cold and poison, never rout, and only get fatigue from spellcasting thanks to their 0 encumberance.
The summoned undead aren't that good at raiding because their numbers usually go down pretty fast, but again, Raise Skeletons works nicely if you've got other troops as well.
Hydras are hard so slow it's hard to get them to archers. Think of them as stationary defence, instead. Enemy comes at you, is poisoned, retreats. Also, enemies pursuing a retreating hydra sometimes suffer huge losses because they go straigth through the poison aura the hydra leaves behind. That's not easy to do intentionally, though.
If you go for a Death bless over 6, Prince of Death is good. He's pretty tough in battles if you give him any kind of armor. Just don't let him get fatigued before attacking, because fatigue kills.

January 10th, 2008, 02:34 PM
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Re: Sauramatia Strategy tips
The Medusa is one of the best pretenders in base. No reason you shouldn't use her if you can get her considering a) she doesn't sync with your magic so you diversify your magic and b) you don't need blesses except a minor earth one which she provides. Archers = win for Sauro but their cavalry isn't bad either.
Also nether spells are the order of the battlemagicking day along with cheap enchants for your guys to spam undead buffers. Antimagic goes a long way for your undeads against banish.

January 10th, 2008, 02:49 PM
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Re: Sauramatia Strategy tips
I agree, if a nation lets you take the Gorgon; take it.

January 10th, 2008, 02:53 PM
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Re: Sauramatia Strategy tips
sector24 said:
I agree, if a nation lets you take the Gorgon; take it.
3rd. The auto-petrification-damage shield is terrifying.
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January 10th, 2008, 03:02 PM
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Re: Sauramatia Strategy tips
I'm trying out the master lich at the moment. He starts with high death magic and dominion, so he's a good choice I think. Also I don't have to worry about him getting killed too much ^^

January 10th, 2008, 08:39 PM
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Re: Sauramatia Strategy tips
Don't forget Sauromatia can blood sacrifice. You can blood hunt with a N1B1 Warrior Sorceress who has a Sanguine Rod. Witch Kings are a bit expensive to just use for blood hunting. And best of all, N1B1s can make Jade Daggers too. I like to have an indy priest with a Jade Dagger blood sacrificing on every temple I build.
Also, Enaries are "Fortune Tellers" (only 5% each though). While luck is fun to play with, I prefer Order-3, Misfortune-2 for Sauromatia, and use Enaries as my primary mage. 10 researching in each castle of yours will cut down on bad events in the castle provinces, and just a few can immediately take back any neighbor province that get by hit barbarian events. You can even try Order-3, Misfortune-2, Death-2, high dominion, and push the misfortune and death out into your neighbors with your blood sacrifices.
Whether he submitted the post, or whether he did not, made no difference. The Thought Police would get him just the same. He had committed— would still have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper— the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever.

January 11th, 2008, 06:33 AM
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Re: Sauramatia Strategy tips
Is there a good reason to buy androphags ? They seem to be very similar to oiorpatas and more expensive.
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