Unfortunately pressure from work is making me give up Multiplayer. It is difficult for me now to even get the turns in. Planning and diplomacy have largely disappeared. Work is really building up and with the present economic climate I can't afford to be distracted by these games. I find I am kept awake at night as much by these as the possibility of losing my job! So sadly I am going to have to give them up.
Rather than just switch all my powers to AI immeadiately I thought I would give others a chance to take them over.
None of these powers have much chance to win I'm afraid but they are all in quite interesting positions which could be built on with a bit of diplomacy.
The games are:
Timewarp - Fomoria (Turn 44). Mid table obscurity. Locked in a war with fellow also rans MA C'Tis who is raiding with fully tooled up Flying Bane Lords

But Fomoria still has plenty of Cloud Trapezing Thunder Striking Fomorian Kings

, troops and mages and has driven off his armies and deadly dominion. Other borders peaceful and plenty of diplomatic potential.
Wheel of Time - Utgard (Turn 63). There are two dominant powers and Utgard is not one of them

But the big two - Bogarus & Jomon - are fighting each other. Bogarus has just cast Arcane Nexus and he is also fighting Utgard as well as some others along with Jomon. Decent Blood and Death income. Plenty of Mages and some SCs including some of the Bloods. Interesting late game for those who like that kind of thing
Chlorolera - Vanheim (Turn 31) This is the worst position I am in. Also the game appears to be approaching the end. There is a low VP cap and the Admirals' Shinuyama are very close to reaching it. Unfortunately while Vanheim now borders them and is close to one of the (AI Controlled) Capitals he needs we have a problem. Manchaka is all over us like a cheap suite. Maybe the Manchakan Pretender BillyWitchDoctor.Com is secretly in league with the Admiral

He is beseiging our capital (again), but Vanheim still has many troops and mages and those Seeking Arrows are still giving. We have thrown him back before and should be able to do so again. But this position needs some planning and a lot of diplomacy. This is not a double blessed Vanheim but we do have plenty of magical diversity and unbesieged forts for those lovely Skinshifters.
I will hand over these games to anyone who fancies taking them on and fill them in on the diplomatic positions, treaties and enemy tactics such as I know them. Any not taken will be switched to AI in a few days.
Hopefully I will be able to return to MP in a few months time. But for now I will have to go back to just SP to get my Dom 3 fix. SP games can afford to wait a week when the pressures of work get too heavy
Just let me end by saying how much I have enjoyed playing MP and how much I have learned. It is amazing what strategies you see and how quickly you learn and improve by playing MP. So thanks to everyone - friends and foes - that have made playing with and against you so enjoyable and interesting over the last year or so