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Old July 19th, 2008, 09:12 AM

Zeldor Zeldor is offline
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Default Dominions trivia [listed, revised]

I took some time and gathered all that trivia from all your answers. Someone can make it sticky or add to FAQ or other important place

[I will spend some time later and try to put them into categories]

So here it goes:
- Elixir of Life works on Lifeless beings
- mages with only random picks can be built without a lab
- Sickle Whose Crop is Pain does not generate gems from killing mindless units
- Immobile units cannot use cloud trapeze, gateway or astral travel, but some can teleport
- Undead units can get diseased, but don't suffer from them
- Undead get old age afflictions and suffer from Decay
- Changing a mod will retroactively alter ongoing games to match the new settings since it is only an overlay on the game engine, not an actual alteration of the engine.
- If you make a Jotun Herse, Demonbred, Lizard King, Anathemant Dragon or Dwarf smith into a prophet, they get a special graphic.
- Click a unit, then click 'S', and you will see all your starving units.
- Mindless beings can receive the feebleminded affliction.
- You cannot find blood sites within water provinces, supposedly because the water washes away the blood... ... yet you can find fire sites.
- Longer weapons reduce damage taken from fire shield.
- Transformation can turn you into a flying monkey or a big chimera... or foul spawn.
- Demonbred are no longer demons and demonbred prophets no longer reanimate.
- You can remove neighbor connections in the map editor via ctrl+click
- You can freely scroll the map with the mouse by holding the middle mouse button
- Freshwater provinces give higher income
- Two lifelong protections on one commander will summon double the imps.
- When you choose your opponents in game creation, 'shift+H' makes all nations human-controlled, 'n' adds in a new nation.
- Most Flying units cannot fly underwater, but the Djinn and horrors can.
- A cat charm increases the seduction chance for succubii.
- When you have the Gift of Health up, and put a Shroud of the Battle Saint on an already Holy unit, your Regen percentage for a Nature Bless is doubled, and based on your new HPs (so N10 is 40% of (base HPs + GoH HPs)).
- Horrors sent to Hell with Claws of Cocytus(at B9) or Infernal Prison(at B9) will eventually come back to the world, attack a random province, and then sit around in that province(assuming they won the province battle) until defeated?
- You can cast Life After Death and Foul Vapors to kill all your mages in a battle, which then turn them into Soulless, and then you can stop paying upkeep for them. As Souless, they'll lose all their unit powers, but they'll have magic paths to research and cast, have a lower encumbrance, and you won't worry about age or disease anymore. They do have a low MR, so watch out for Banishments. Doing this to a pile of Priests is great way to create Reanimating Priests.
- Size 4 units and larger are brought back as Giant Mummies instead of Mummies when Ritual of Rebirth is used on them? They have double the HPs and Str, but one less MR.
- Several nations get their own special Soulless and Londead. While most people know about Lanka's undead bandar and markata or Caelum's winged undead, few people know that Atlantis gets undead that have coral armor and weapons.
- Storm Demons are one of the few creature who aren't affected by Storms. Toss in a Gift of Reason and give them a Bow of War and you have Storm-immune archery (and as Commanders, they can be set to Fire Rear). The Precision of 14 doesn't hurt either.
- In a battle, if you type "U" (capital-U) you can create enemy units, and if you type "K" you can kill the unit the cursor is over. This doesn't affect the outcome but it lets you simulate battles.
- When recruiting units, press Shift while selecting a unit to queue 10 at once.
- Berserking increases your encumbrance by the amount of the berserk. An E/N bless only nets you 2 reinvig for the troops which are berserk. This might actually be counterproductive if it leaves you open to critical hits.
- Death blessing increases affliction chance for overland and BE spells like Flames From the Sky and Flame Storm.
- Nature blessing (or any regeneration) prevents you from losing HP due to disease but does not prevent afflictions from accumulating. Edit: Note, if you have a sacred which is diseased and not wearing a Shroud/etc., you have to throw him into combat to bless him and let him regenerate HP.
- Regeneration reduces your chance of getting afflictions in a fashion somewhat proportional to the regen percentage. 10% regen will get more afflictions than 70% regen.
- The Eyes of God enchantment allows you to view enemy heroes in the HoF.
- Stealthy units can participate in an attack during the magic phase if they're already hiding in the province [that battle occurs if you teleport someone there]
- You cannot create game named 'debug'
- While viewing research you can filter by path. N is nature E is earth and so on.
- Bracers of Protection / Kruppe's Braces/Skull necklace/Cat charm double the protection bonus from an E9 blessing. They also stack.
- You can press 'h' as a shortcut to initiate hosting from the Play A Nation menu.
- You can copy and paste commanders' and units' orders. To copy, hover the mouse over the line of text that has the command and press Ctrl+number, and to paste hover mouse over the command and press a number. Commanders' orders can't be given to units and vice versa.
- You can use 'y' key to give battle orders to all armies moving INTO the target province (instead of the armies that already are in the province)
- If you lose a mercenary bid you get your money back the next turn.
- In addition to increasing heat aura, Fire magic also increases the strength of fireshield? But it does not do that consistently. Apparently creatures with Fire Power get +1 per level of fire magic, while all others get +1 per 2 levels of fire magic (rounded down), except Chayot and Seraph, who don't get anything.
- Your provinces that are under enemy dominion get small amount of unrest. Also friendly dominion removes unrest, so with few points of it you can tax province at 100 and unrest will disappear.

For any single casting of Tartarian Gate, the Tartarian has:

-A 60% chance of possessing SOME Earth magic

-A 31% chance of possessing SOME Death magic
-A 31% chance of possessing SOME Air magic

-A 17% chance of possessing SOME Fire magic
-A 17% chance of possessing SOME Water magic
-A 17% chance of possessing SOME Astral magic
-A 17% chance of possessing SOME Nature magic
-A 17% chance of possessing SOME Blood magic

LA Agartha guide
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Old July 19th, 2008, 09:31 AM
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Default Re: Dominions trivia [listed, revised]

Great list, but there are some typoes. I only noticed two that might cause trouble, but I only quickly scanned the list.

- You can copy and paste commanders' and units' orders. To copy, hover the mouse over the line of text that has the command and press Ctrl+number, and to paste hover mouse over the command and press a number

- Being under enemy dominion causes unrest in your provinces.

Good work there!
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Old July 19th, 2008, 09:43 AM

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Default Re: Dominions trivia [listed, revised]

I was pretty much copying posts from people Fixed that 2 things.

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Old July 19th, 2008, 12:34 PM
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Default Re: Dominions trivia [listed, revised]

Sounds like it would be a great "tips" file. Those things that pop up while the game is processing.
This game is NOT suitable for students, interns, apprentices, or anyone else who is expected to pass tests on a regular basis. Do not think about strategies while operating heavy machinery. Before beginning this game make arrangements for someone to check on you daily. If you find that your game has continued for more than 36 hours straight then you should consult a physician immediately (Do NOT show him the game!)
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Old July 19th, 2008, 01:14 PM
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Default Re: Dominions trivia [listed, revised]

An addition to units that can fly underwater: The Visitor (MA R'lyeh hero) can also do this.
A Beginner's guide to Lanka

Want to use multiple mods? The Mod Compatibility Index might be useful.
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Old July 19th, 2008, 02:42 PM
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Default Re: Dominions trivia [listed, revised]

Thank you. Please add my and KO's tip about Pretender tyrles meaning. I think there were more tips there also...
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Old July 19th, 2008, 03:55 PM

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Default Re: Dominions trivia [listed, revised]


From what I remember it wasn't really sure. I will add about that dom/2 titles, but titles would rather deserve a separate topic. I know QM did some testing and he made a conclusion that some titles are nation specific, others scale, magic and some are just random things.

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Old October 23rd, 2008, 12:27 PM
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Default Re: Dominions trivia [listed, revised]

If you bring back a dead tartarian from the hall of Fame with ritual of rebirth, it will return as a giant mummy with lower stats but without shattered soul.

I wasn't even aware that you can bring back dead undead until I tried it for fun when the game was already decided.
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