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Old June 2nd, 2007, 12:23 AM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default MA Skavenblight 1.15 hotfix



----Uses ID numbers

--armor 318-320

--weapons 660-689

--monsters 2540-2586

--sites 993-5

--nation 73

--nametype 148


-- version 1.15

-- TWEAK - Plague Priest picks evened out at 100% DB not 50/50, increased second pick to 30% not 20

-- TWEAK - Keeper of Pillars now 125 points, not 175

-- FIX - Thanquol got the correct baseprot

-- FIX - bubonic sceptre no longer lost when equipping arch plaguelord, no longer drains life when it instakills

-- TWEAK - Seerlord gets 5 researchbonus

-- version 1.1

-- CONTENT - Tretch Craventail Hero added

-- TWEAK - Improved Pitbreeding now B2E1

-- TWEAK - Plague Rats now 5 for 7 (were 10 for 13)

-- TWEAK - Rat Ogres now use normal bite and claw and have boosted strength

-- FIX - Warpblades and weeping blades now magical

-- CONTENT - Doomflayer weapons team + summoning spell added

-- CONTENT - Arch Plaguelord pretender choice added

-- CONTENT - Keeper of the Pillar pretender choice added

-- FIX - Doomwheel summon no longer a commander

-- TWEAK - Eshin Shuriken +1 ammo (now 4)

-- TWEAK - Removed the 'mass production' versions of skryre spells and greatly increased magetime requirements

-- TWEAK - Warlock and Warlock Engineer picks made more consistent, warlock now +2 RP (was +1), engineer +3 (was +1)

-- TWEAK - Grey Seer leadership reduced

-- TWEAK - Basic commander/scout costs changed to reflect the opportunity cost of a fort turn

-- TWEAK - No more slave autospawn for chieftains

-- CONTENT - Warp Static 'buff' spell added

-- TWEAK - Moulder blood summons made more mage intensive

-- TWEAK - Packmasters now summon a pack of 10 rats at the start of battle, as well as training them via summon allies

-- TWEAK - Heroes stats further boosted, especially hp - numerous other minor tweaks

-- TWEAK - Single slaves now a recruitable option, with sensible bonus given to groups

-- TWEAK - Plague Rat now has same name as giant rat to allow fooling scout reports

-- TWEAK - Boneripper given recuperation and better prot + now autosummoned in combat + not unique means doesn't carry over injuries

-- TWEAK - Death Frenzy now mr negates to avoid frenzying your casters

-- TWEAK - Skyre troops have boosted mr to deflect death frenzy - slaves etc have less

-- TWEAK - Fortune Teller values brought closer to line with vanilla

-- TWEAK - Warplightning now greenish



-- FIX - Skrolk now in hero slot 6

-- TWEAK - Upped some stealth values

-- FIX - Reordered unit ID numbers

-- TWEAK - Seerlord pretender now cheap

-- TWEAK - Warlords autosummon sword armed clanrats rather than stormvermin

-- TWEAK - Rat Ogres lost a claw attack but also have much lower gold upkeep

-- TWEAK - Made eshin shuriken a bit worse in light of the power of poison missiles

-- TWEAK - Added little bit of head prot for eshin troops

-- FIX - No more screaming bell multiheroes

-- CONTENT - Added Cauldron of a Thousand Poxes commander and spell to summon it

-- FIX - Leadership values sorted out

-- CONTENT - Added Skitterleap spell

-- FIX - Changed name and epithet to better suit dominions

-- FIX - Changed .dm name and mod folder name to fit my new conventions


-- removed copystats for the majority of units and stuck in appropriate darkvision values instead

-- removed the stinking fur fix used to get around shields added by now defunct copystatting, freeing up armour slot 321

-- checked IDs against my other MA nations and against CBM complete 1.21, no conflicts

-- Onebattlespells - Snikch (darkness), Thanquol (Twist fate), Seerlord (twist fate), Ikit Claw (Charge Body), Verminlord (divine blessing), Screaming Bell (fanaticism)


-- Throt and Verminlord added

-- Many stat tweaks to skaven commanders, some pretty much reworked entirely

-- Death frenzy changed, now smaller aoe, less range, less likely to hit casters

-- Warpfire throwers slightly nerfed, casting costs tweaked

-- Various spell tweaks

-- Lots of other things I can't even remember but are totally rad



Nation now has 5 heroes, one unique heroic summon. They are 1 hero short of being complete on that front, namely Throt the Unclean.

There are numerous other tweaks, most notably to the Poison Wind Globadier and the Plague Censer bearer. I strongly suggest trying these units out, because they are far better/more interesting than in previous versions. Even a small number of Censers with death and nature bless are truly nasty.

The Screaming Bell, Doomwheel and Boneripper all have semi finished but functional graphics, so please don't judge me on the quality of those units ;]



Various tweaks. Skaven are now a slightly better blood hunting nation. They now have appropriate names.

New content: A new hero, Deathmaster Snikch. A1 magic and great assassin stats.



I've decided to have a go at bringing the skaven nation from warhammer fantasy battles over to dominions. I will be careful to avoid 'stealing' anything from the games workshop, such as graphics etc. This will simply be a tribute to their excellent games and miniatures.


1. Very good magical diversity, research and battlemagic
2. Numbers! Life is cheap to the Skaven
3. Stealth armies, assassins and spies
4. Many powerful experimental summons in construction
5. Good blood summons and solid blood economy


1. Awful troop morale
2. Serious weakness against missile fire
3. Little conventional missile fire of their own
4. Their best weapons and spells are prone to backfire
5. Lack strong expansion elites
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Last edited by Sombre; January 11th, 2010 at 06:39 PM..
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Old June 2nd, 2007, 12:35 AM

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Default Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.

Oh and one important point - I'm going to 'rush' the graphics somewhat to speed up the project. That means when I make the first release, the graphics won't be at their final version - they'll be beta so to speak. They should still be distinctive and look ok, but they won't be as pretty as say, Arga Dis or the Tharoon.

In a way I figure that's ok, since the skaven are supposed to be tattered and grimy looking, not pretty and colourful like High Elves or Empire.
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Old June 2nd, 2007, 12:52 AM
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Default Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.

I think Frank had such a nation half-finished. "Nimh" it was called (my suggestion, ahyuck.)

In one era he would hijack MA C'tis dominion power - but with the exception of some non-inanimate undead (plague monks) none of your units were cold-blooded or disease immune .

It was amusing, anyway.

Partial poison resistance works as far as I can tell, but I do believe that it rounds up, so poison resistance < 100% is no good against 1 poison damage/turn. Not sure of this, however.
I don't think you can, presently at least (and probably ever) mod negative side effects onto weapons, at least in general terms. A large area of effect melle weapon will occasionally hit the wielder (and often hit allies when used in dense formation.) I think that might be the best you can do.
The plague monk should be undead (but not inanimate or mindless), as should the censor bearer. That way, they are immune to their own disease clouds.
That's a lot of spawning. Frank had his nimhians spawn regular rats, as I recall. Of course, he deviated a lot from Warhammer.

Anyway, look forward to the mod!
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Old June 2nd, 2007, 01:01 AM

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Default Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.

If I give plague monks poison immunity they won't be hurt by the poison clouds of the censor bearers or poison wind globadiers, so there's no need to make them undead.

As for negative side effects on weapons,... which unit did you think I'd need that for?

It is a lot of spawning, but the spawns aren't dombased - most likely something like a summon2 or so. That way you don't build up a spawning machine, it's just something to make the leaders more useful and reinforce that skaven have numbers always on their side. It's good for the AI too, since they like to use lesser commanders.

Slight change to the above list - Night Runners are now the stealthy ones with nets,.. and gutter runners get poisoned weapons/throwing stars instead.
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Old June 2nd, 2007, 08:17 AM
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Default Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.

Ohhh, and I already have an idea for a national hero, again...

(yes, it's Splinter... maybe he could spawn/call Kappas/Rain warriors? )
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Old June 2nd, 2007, 11:14 AM

CelestialGoblyn CelestialGoblyn is offline
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Default Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.

Awesome, I can't wait!
Oh yes, how about making all skaven units have the 'glutton' quality? That way a skaven army will eat 2x as much supplies.
Sure, it's potentially unbalancing, but very in character.

Oh, and the idea of your dominion giving diseases while your troops aren't immune to them is also awesome...
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Old June 2nd, 2007, 11:36 AM
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Default Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.

CelestialGoblyn said:
Oh, and the idea of your dominion giving diseases while your troops aren't immune to them is also awesome...
True, I like the idea of rats fleeing from their own dominion...
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Old June 2nd, 2007, 11:43 AM

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Default Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.

I don't think it's doable without overwriting Ctis MA.

I'm pretty sure the skaven are going to have food problems anyway what with their sheer numbers, lack of nature magic and spawns you can't turn off. I might well give a couple of key units gluttony though. Possibly increase unrest too.

If I get the tharoon beta released tomorrow I should be able to get quite a lot of graphical work done for the skaven and I'll do a little preview.
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Old June 2nd, 2007, 12:17 PM

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Default Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.

Say, Tha'roon mod sounds interesting too. But have you ever thought of modding Eaggra from the same game?
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Old June 2nd, 2007, 01:26 PM

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Default Re: Skaven Nation. Warhammer based.

Yeah, I plan on doing all 4 of the warwind races, time permitting. I have eaggra all planned, but the graphics are quite hard - haven't done anything like them before.
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