CBM - MA Races Rankings
Hello guys,
I'm kinda new to the forums, so first of all hi to everyone.
This thread is dedicated to a project that -everyone- can join to help. Basically the goal is simple: to create a list of nations ordered by strength from top to bottom.
I already talked with some of the "experts"

on IRC and we came up with this current, tentative list for MA. (other ages will follow later)
The list was made with CBM in mind. I'll get to a vanilla version of this list (which should be, in any case, somewhat similar) only once this CBM list will have settled a bit.
The list is far from perfect, but it's aim is not to be "perfect", it can't be and never will. Instead, it's just made to be an helpful tool, both for beginners (they even in this current very "beta" stage can see at a glance if a race is MUCH better than another) and for experts (handicap systems/team games), but we need the list to settle on a much larger input before we can say "ok this list is somewhat reliable" and this is why I decided to open a thread on it.
The numbers you see are at the current state probably based off a single guy opinion, so they are "obviously" not averaged, not tested, etc. but I've been on the Internet enough to know that people are prone to discuss more over data (even random data) than over blank cells

When you see three identical numbers for a race, they're probably just placeholders: suggest anything even remotely more accurate.
For MA, which is the scope of this thread, we decided that Ermor was the nation of reference, having the "best" early, middle and endgame. Ashdod is the only exception, but since as of now it's just too powerful, it'll be treated as such, with values over 100%.
So Ermor gets 100% in the 3 phases of a game.
It has been somewhat decided that
Early game: Rush strategy/Efficiency in expansion in Turns 1-12(or more, if map is very large)
Midgame: Everything in between
Endgame: Advanced summons and/or end game tactics at a nation disposal
The "exp" tag means that to unleash the full potential of that race, an expert player is needed.
How can you help?
It's easy and you can help however you want, I only ask that you try and be honest in what you say, after all, there's no "right answer" so if you think a race is underrated or overrated, just drop a line, assuming you believe in what you say. I'll give you some examples:
Man 70-40-25
It means you think that Man is good at the beginning, mediocre in the midgame and poor (but not downright terrible, that would be 10-0) in the endgame.
If you can, please avoid comments like:
Oceania is underrated (period.

Stuff like this doesn't really help much, because I won't know if you mean that it should be top tier or something. Of course, you don't -need- numbers in your post, just make sure to add whatever detail you consider relevant to your suggestion. If you agree with something someone else said, that is good feedback too.
I'll eventually update this message based on comments I receive.
Note: I acknowledge something like this might have been tried in the past, but I couldn't find it in the forums and in any case I thought: whatever. (I'm that deep)
Early Mid Late
Ashdod 200 130 100
Pythium 100 100 100
Jotunheim 90 100 100
Ermor 95 95 90
R'lyeh 40 110 120
Vanheim 100 100 70
Shinuyama 85 95 85
Mictlan 90 80 75
T'ien Chi 70 90 85
Marignon 90 60 80
Pangaea 75 75 60
Abysia 70 60 75
C'tis 50 70 80
Arcoscephale 60 70 60
Caelum 55 80 40
Bandar Log 25 45 95
Machaka 65 90 10
Ulm 60 50 30
Man 60 60 0
Eriu 30 85 0
Atlantis 25 40 30
Oceania 50 25 0
Agartha 25 20 0
You'll find the most up to date revisions here, but I'll try and keep the 2 versions both updated with the changes: