
February 10th, 2011, 06:41 PM
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An Open Letter to Illwinter Game Design
Illwinter Developers,
Thank you for making Dominions 3. You have created an amazing game.
In the 30 years I've been playing computer games, I've come to appreciate game design as an art. There is no formula for creating a compelling game; it is only the creative discernment of the designers which distinguishes a poor game from a good one. Dominions is clearly the work of masterful designers. You have created a game which is vast, engaging, well balanced, amazingly nuanced, and endlessly replayable. Even under the best of circumstances, it is difficult to create a work of art, but you have done it. You have captured lightning in a bottle. You have created a masterpiece. I applaud your achievement.
In my opinion, Dominions stands at the pinnacle of strategy gaming. Strategy games strive to provide entertainment by giving the player a range of strategic choices, then making success or failure in the game dependent on those choices. These days, most games avoid strategy. Even games marketed as strategy games de-emphasize the strategy elements and emphasize role-playing and arcade elements instead. Not Dominions. Dominions fully embraces the strategy concept, and I love it.
I've heard Dominions criticized for its high level of detail. I suspect, however, that detail is regarded as a flaw only by those accustomed to the superficial detail found in other games. In most other games, the game mechanics reduce details to a simple level of abstraction, making them nothing more than a thematic facade. In Dominions, on the other hand, the details are seldom gratuitous; almost all of the units, spells, and items give players real strategic choices, and thus add nuance to the gameplay.
I've also heard Dominions criticized for its micromanagement. In fact, I find the Dominions user interface to be remarkably efficient for the level of nuance it supports. Many strategy games attempt to create the illusion of complexity by using convoluted economic or combat models, or by providing inefficient controls. Those games use micromanagement to mask their shallow gameplay. Dominions employs no such nonsense. In Dominions, micromanagement is not busywork, but is the necessary effort required to implement a deep and subtle strategy.
I'm aware that the market for turn-based strategy games like Dominions is small, and that makes it hard to fund development. I imagine this must be discouraging. However, I'd like to offer encouragement by pointing out that the market will grow over time, customers will become easier to reach, and you are the best in your niche. Furthermore, you clearly have a dedicated group of fans. I can only hope that you will find a way to continue your creative output, whether it be further improvements to Dominions 3, a Dominions 4, or an entirely new venture.
Once again, thank you for creating a wonderful game. May you find success in all things.
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February 10th, 2011, 08:04 PM
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Re: An Open Letter to Illwinter Game Design
the devs have day jobs, you know.
actually, as far as micromanagement, I'd like an auto-recruiter and some way for armies to move from province to province without me having to remind them each turn.

February 11th, 2011, 08:57 AM
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Re: An Open Letter to Illwinter Game Design
Awesome post - agree 100%. 

February 11th, 2011, 09:03 AM
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Re: An Open Letter to Illwinter Game Design
Originally Posted by llamabeast
Awesome post - agree 100%. 
About the dayjobs? Dude, that is harsh. 

February 11th, 2011, 04:35 PM
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Re: An Open Letter to Illwinter Game Design
Originally Posted by brxbrx
the devs have day jobs, you know.
actually, as far as micromanagement, I'd like an auto-recruiter and some way for armies to move from province to province without me having to remind them each turn.
Agreed. Simple things that would help with micromanagement:
1) Infinite recruitment queues for both commanders and troops.
2) Specify the destination, let the game get the units there. This should also work without a commander being present.
3) Rally points for new recruits.
4) Insane units shouldn't lose their orders--execute their insanity but then go back to whatever their previous orders were.
5) A mage without orders should site search if he can do so usefully, otherwise he should research if there is a lab. Any commander with a purely useful ability should use it if possible.
6) Global forging: It would be like a recruitment queue except it would be of magic items you want your mages to make. Given a choice the job would always be given to the most efficient mage that can make it. Any mage set to research or idle could be given the job, ones with other orders would not.
7) Global casting: You specify that you want to cast without first specifying the mage. It then comes up with a list of mages that can cast it and are available, you select one or more to actually cast it.
7a) Global site search casting: You specify the paths to be searched (the default being everything you can search) and it allocates mages assuming gems, mages and unsearched targets--running out of any of these doesn't stop it, just puts it on hold until it can again be cast. (Thus you can pretty much just turn it on and leave it knowing that all provinces will be searched as possible, including ones you take.)

February 11th, 2011, 04:55 PM
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Re: An Open Letter to Illwinter Game Design
I can safely say that I've played many games, liked them much, but this thing has been the only able to make me stay awake until 5 AM since the mid 90's of UFO and MOM.
You gentlemen hit the nail with this. Probably very few out there will ever notice it, but I can also safely say: you have programmed an immortal classic. And it is nothing I say about every game I play.

February 11th, 2011, 05:57 PM
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Re: An Open Letter to Illwinter Game Design
There is a new Illwinter project. Its been worked on for over a year if I remember right. It is not a major Dom3 extension, nor a Dom4. Its a whole new direction. And Im afraid that is all we can find out.
Steps to help with MicroManagement:
Blitz games in the chat channels
Musical Chairs games (last person automatically stales)
goal games such as VP points
Game setting: Magic Sites lower
Game setting: Event Rarity lower
Game setting: Money lower
Game setting: Resources lower
Game setting: Supplies lower
Game setting: Magic Research lower
Game setting: Indepts higher or boosted AIs
smaller maps
Special Maps: such as Tower, or NI (no independents map)
Mods: such as Better Independents
3rd party programs: such as SemiRand or Chaos or PI (partial independents)
and I know there are more but I dont remember them right now so you might need to look for the many threads on the subject
TIP: many of the other suggestions involving "devs please change this" stuff can be done with 3rdparty macro programs as are very popular with mmorpgs
And of course I totally agree that its a great game. Ive been gaming for half a century and this has been my favorite game for a decade. (and I dont even prefer strategy wargames)
Last edited by Gandalf Parker; February 11th, 2011 at 06:08 PM..

February 11th, 2011, 06:32 PM
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Re: An Open Letter to Illwinter Game Design
I don't think that this thread is the place to discuss this but, gemgen removal also really helps with the micro management. The Conceptual Balance Mod version 1.6 did it. (Or at least made them unique) 1.71 did the same for hammers, sanquine dousing rods, and jade knives, so that might not be every bodies cup of tea. Can't believe you forgot that GP.
And I disagree that Musical chair games remove micro. I like the concept, but I don't think the micro is less. (Same with some of your other suggestions, they can reduce game length (which isn't the same as MM of course), and create interesting and fun other types of play. Esp the 3rp party programs and better or no independents really make SP a lot more challenging.

February 11th, 2011, 06:59 PM
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Re: An Open Letter to Illwinter Game Design
Less to manage is less micro. If the game comes to a close before getting to the massive armies and provinces of other games then its less micro. Not the best answer but it would seem to be an option.
And thanks for mentioning CBM. I knew there were items left out. But I dont have much experience with CBm anymore.

February 11th, 2011, 07:40 PM
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Re: An Open Letter to Illwinter Game Design
Originally Posted by brxbrx
the devs have day jobs, you know.
actually, as far as micromanagement, I'd like an auto-recruiter and some way for armies to move from province to province without me having to remind them each turn.
Yes, I too would kill for waypoints.
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