Originally Posted by bbz
press "a" and then "a" again that select all the mages in current province selected and then deselects them (this will ruin all the other groups that he might have created). The other option is Ctrl + right click on the mage he wants to deselect.
Lol, even I didn't know this one. I knew "a" selected them all, as I've used it hundreds of times, but I didn't realise it also de-grouped them all if pressed again

(as I thought it only deselected them, rather than deselecting them AND de-grouping them)
Man, that is really going to save me some time in the future. But sadly it won't make up for all the time I've lost in the past by deselecting each commander separately with the ctrl key

(btw it's ctrl+left click, not crtl+right click)