A savage battle for supremacy! Only one can remain atop the Tower of the Elephant. Do you dare to test your mettle?
Hello everyone. Having been away from Dom3 for quite a long time, I decided to host another multiplayer game(we'll be using Llamaserver) for newbies and intermediate players. I'm not sure where my skill level is, but I would guess it's in the intermediate area. I will probably play to the best of my skill, but use a somewhat thematic use of units and such, so this may be a somewhat ruthless game in a sense, especially with Machiavellian diplomacy.
Technically anyone is free to join, but I would prefer that people who join are fairly committed to it, not disappearing suddenly, and aren't some sort of super-players that will sweep the floor with everyone else.
Game name: Tower of the Elephant
Hosting: llamaserver.net
Era: Early
Map: The Hyborian Age
Turns: Slow(48h) - Also using Quickhost(turns will be hosted earlier if everyone has sent their turns already)
Number of Players: 8
Mods: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.92 - Ettin Fix
Diplomacy: Machiavelli
Special rules:
Score graphs off.
Everything else is default.
Tiavals - Fomoria
Jolly Roger - Tir Na Nog
mattyburn7 - Caelum
Ragnarok-X - Marverni
dark7element - Oceania
schoelle - Niefelheim
Austen - Abysia
Lumix19 - Yomi
HoleyDooley - Tien Chi
Sigil Runestone - Lanka
Please send your pretender gods to
Make sure the CBM 1.92 - wild ettin fix mod is active when you design your pretender god.
The email subject file must be like this: TowerOfElephant
Any and all rules can be modified if people so want. Post and explain why you want something to be different and we'll discuss about it.
If you have questions, I'll try to answer them.
Someone better take Ulm Riddle/Enigma of Steel.