I am still confused with editing maps: I want to modify the independent defence strength for some provinces only:
#poptype seems to alter only the recuitable units: I used "#poptype 30" (feudal), but the independent defenders themselves are far from being those difficult feudals. Recruiting Longbows and Knights however does work..

Why are the independents not linked to the poptype as usual? Does dom2 assign poptype and independents randomly before applying the map file?
#independents affects the entire map only
Adding troops via #commander and #units is also a bad choice, for I want to fortify the possible starting locations only in the case that some players are not participating. If they are participating, then they also own those added commanders an units as a bonus...
What I really want would be a map command that alters independent strength for a single province only. Maybe #defence should work for independent provinces as well, based on the poptype!!!
Other ideas to achieve my goal?