1.practically all flying troops
great mages
can use sc pretender with:
boots of speed
spirit helm
dancing trident
wine sack
rime hauberk
these are great with the arch seraph(ine?) pretender,
60 clay men,
50 archers commander set to wind guide, and (tempest spell)
then attack rear most,
attacked ermor with this army, they had:
8 banes, 3 bane lords 1000 various undead (cannot be bothered to list them all) 5 undead mage thingies, 5 undead mammoth thingies
I stomped them flat!
all thier troops were at the front including the banes and lors and mages were spead out on the edges of the battle field
clay men were on hold and attack so all the enemies were three quaters of the way across the battle field before my god started moving! tampest spell wped out over 100 troops in one go, archers killed 30 and spirit helm killed 3
next turn god attacked the undead mages! killed them all with 4 attacks:
1 or 2 with dancing trident
2 with tempest
1 with spirit helm
clay men put up an inpenetrable barrier killing 50 people that turn archers failed to kill anything but injured several
put it this way the battle was over before turn 15
the score?
lost 4 claymen
another 8 got battle afflictions(but not for long!)
al my archers ran out of arrows and killed thier bane lords! ha!
lost 10 archers
864 undead... well errr... dead

6 banes dead

3 bane lords
all but 1 mage!
I love it!