> Hey tuddy would the water mage with the skullface actually cast raise skelly
> after the script runs out or would he start casting random water crap?
In my experience, they do spam undead when necessary. Spamming chaffe is the
one thing the AI does well... even when it would make ten times more sense
to cast damage spells. Furthermore, the skullface is so cheap to use that
when the fatigue rises, it becomes the action of choice.
I use three kinds of skellie spammers.
1. Scout + boots + skullface
Total pest, nigh impossible to catch, four/five of these can mess with a
nation's income for dozens of turns.
2. Teleporter + speed (boots/armour/W) + skelly spam (skullface/Dx2)
No multipurpose mage squad should lack one of these. Given that these squads
include a relief spammer or two, fatigue is not too much of an issue. I use
theurgs, seraphs, warlocks, vanjarls, etc... any astral/air mage is fine.
3. Teleporter + speed (any) + skelly spam (skellface/Dx2) + drain (standard/Dx4)
For when you absolutely have to hold that province, and when you are expecting
losses. Add as many elemental immunities and fatigue regenerators as possible.
So, to answer your question, I do prefer mages to non-casters. I think that
Jurry, Patrick, and Rev. Zombie can testify about the importance of mobility.