I dont know if anyone has tested it lately against the latest patches. If it doesnt work, let us know.
You can only show it to 6 friends. The demo is limited to Pythium, Ulm, Ctis, Arcosphale, Jotunheim, and Machaka. If you play one of the other races than any on that list, such as Man, that would be a 7 player game. You can play up to the 40 turn limit which is usually enough to convince them that they wished it would go farther.
Gandalf Parker
-- WARNING: this game is NOT suitable for students, interns, apprentices,
or anyone else who is expected to pass tests on a regular basis. Do not
think about Dominions strategys while operating heavy machinery. The
demo has built-in protections which should not be bypassed. They are for
your health as much as for monetary reasons. Do not begin on the full
version without first making arrangments for someone to check on you
daily. If you find that your game has continued for more than 36 hours
straight then you should consult a physician immeadiately (Do NOT show
him the game!)