I was working on my TC and thought about this very problem [supplies] a little more. I have come up with one solution which I will be including when I get the needed patches. I wanted to share it here so others could use it as well. Seems like a pretty simple idea but I haven’t seen it before so:
Name := Forward Supply Base
Description := Blah blah… less capable… blah blah… must supply it first…
Facility Group := Resupply
XFile Class Name := Resupply Depot
Picture Number := 22
Maximum Level := 1
Tonnage Space Taken Formula := 1000
Tonnage Structure Formula := // Set for your mod
Cost Minerals Formula := // Set for your Mod. See Note 1.
Cost Organics Formula := 0
Cost Radioactives Formula := 0
Number Of Requirements := 1
Requirements Evaluation Availability := AND
Requirements Evaluation Allows Placement := TRUE
Requirements Evaluation Allows Usage := TRUE
Requirement 1 Description := //Set for your mod.
Requirement 1 Formula := // Set for your mod.
Number of Abilities := 4
Ability 1 Type := Supply Storage
Ability 1 Description := Holds [%Amount1%] units of supply.
Ability 1 Scope := Space Object
Ability 1 Range Formula := 0
Ability 1 Amount 1 Formula := // See note 2.
Ability 1 Amount 2 Formula := 0
Ability 2 Type := Ordnance Storage
Ability 2 Description := Holds [%Amount1%] units of ordnance.
Ability 2 Scope := Space Object
Ability 2 Range Formula := 0
Ability 2 Amount 1 Formula := // See note b2.
Ability 2 Amount 2 Formula := 0
Ability 3 Type := Remote Supply Distribution
Ability 3 Description := Blah blah.
Ability 3 Scope := System - This Player
Ability 3 Range Formula := 0
Ability 3 Amount 1 Formula := // About ten turns, see note 2.
Ability 3 Amount 2 Formula := 0
Ability 4 Type := Remote Ordnance Distribution
Ability 4 Description := Blah blah
Ability 4 Scope := System - This Player
Ability 4 Range Formula := 0
Ability 4 Amount 1 Formula := // About ten turns, see note 2.
Ability 4 Amount 2 Formula := 0
Note 1: Set this for your mod, I set it so the facility could be built in one turn flat.
Note 2: I set the storage capacity so that if the Forward Supply Base is fully loaded it will spend those supplies up after ten turns (one year). You may want to use different values. Now supply trains won’t need to run as far to reload and fleets won’t need to rotate as far either. I haven’t tested this, my TC isn’t to the point where I can. However since it is a rather simple facility I can’t see any reason why it shouldn’t work.
Edited so you don’t have to scroll the page.