I'm not sure llama, I'll be working 4 days on 4 days off 12 hours shifts. Basically I go underground and fix the heavy machinery that is down there and get paid 6 figures to do so. The actual job title is Underground Heavy Diesel Fitter.
While I'm there i'll eat/sleep at the mining site camp (pretty good accomadation too....all paid for etc).
So unless they have internet access during those 4 days my short Dom3 career could come to a halt
Oh yeah they still have gold mines, just a little different from the turn of the century gold rushes that occured....which in this case that gold rush never really stopped..I think at the mine that i'll be working in they have pulled 500'000 ounces of gold out in the last 2 years ....and around the mine is 40 MILLION tonnes of dirt and mine tailings ro show for it....making it look like a lunar landscape.
ahem....bit off topic there

but any takers for subs? just PM me.