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Old April 14th, 2008, 11:31 AM
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Default Adjudication on a NAP -edited please comment again

I was hoping to get some opinions on a recent event in a game. Honest answers will be appreciated as I plan on sticking with whatever opinions come out of this post.
The problem is I have been called an Oathbreaker for attacking someone who thought we had a 2 turn NAP when I thought we didn't.
I will sum the situation up as best as I can.

The Defendant: the worthy and honourable Arcoscephale,
The complainant: the bloodthirsty virgin slaughterer Mictlan.

I receive a message early in the game, before we sight each other, asking whether I could rustle up some owl quills.
I reply that not yet but I should be switching to construction shortly and then I will trade.
More discussion a couple of turns later about how the quills are going
Then a request for a 3 turn NAP.
I respond with yes no problem, I promise not to attack for the next 3 turns and ask for clarification as to whether this is correct.
I receive a response saying no a 3 turn NAP means "3 turns of notice before an attack, otherwise lasting throughout the game". Of course, we can negotiate something else if that is disagreeable."
This is unsuitable for me so I respond with "At this point I find myself able to commit to a 2 turn NAP."
Then I think 4 turns go by, but it might be 3 or even 5, with no response about whether my 2 turn NAP is accepted.
So I make alternate arrangements under the impression my opponent was unhappy with a 2 turn NAP and is getting ready to invade.
I then receive a message asking how the owl quill research is going and I respond with "No quills for you, you are about to invade my lands"
A response back "No I am not, I assumed the NAP was in place. So can we assume it is in place now?"
My response "I am afraid not, in fact prepare your borders for you are about to be invaded"
This response was given the turn I invaded, but he had not sent in his turn so therefore he had an opportunity to prepare himself for he knew I was coming. Basically one turns warning.
So the question is,
1. do I withdraw and allow him one more turn to prepare himself for war? Or even 2?
2. do I press on since due to his lack of reply to my renegotiated terms the NAP was never in place?

That is the situation and I hope my erstwhile foe, he who enjoys the butchery of young innocent girls, will either agree with my rendition or give his own account of the events.

My opponent has responded in our game thread and I now present his side of things here in full. I am hoping the people who responded may have a bit of time to read over his side of things and then present their views, or anyone else. This is directly cut and pasted from the game thread, but just in case there are doubters you can check it here

"I am still feeling ill. I would appreciate it if we can stay on the 48 hour timer for the next few turns. I would like to see how things go and perhaps find a sub or set the game to AI after that. I am undecided on whether I should continue spending energy playing a game I feel has mostly gone sour due to the level of difficulty I have had dealing with zenphos who either does not understand what a NAP is, or feels that it is acceptable to slip out of one with vague wording whenever he feels it is convenient.

Anyway, since zenphos has presented his side of the story in the above link, featuring "the worthy and honourable Arcoscephale", and the "the bloodthirsty virgin slaughterer Mictlan", I feel compelled to present my side of the story here since the thread he started has been presented in a one sided manner and has gone off topic.

It began with a trade negotiation for owl quills that I opened with zenphos early on. Afterwards, I him on the border, and offer him I what I understand is a standard 3 turn NAP that most players seem to use. Note that at this point, he does not understand what a NAP is, so I go to the trouble of posting a question on the forums and sending him the link and explaining it.

zenphos replies with this message:

"At this point I find myself able to commit to a 2 turn NAP.
This is the same NAP I have organised with other nations.
Which means 2 turn warning before any sort of aggresive behaviour or subversion.
Basically scouts are fine but no one else.
Looks like things are quieting down so can install my wizards back into their labs and start thinking about owl quills and other goodies."

We have already exchanged quite a few messages at this point and I think we have an understanding, so I take this as done deal. Particularly the sentence "At this point I find myself able to commit to a 2 turn NAP." Little do I know that he will later turn around and say that we have no agreement and that he believes I am massing on his border to take his owl quills "by force", as if it would be a simple matter to march into his capital, lay siege to it and demand that he forge them for me then. Later on, he will claim that I am "unhappy with a 2 turn NAP and [...] getting ready to invade."

Both of these claims are illogical. The idea of marching on his capital to take the owl quills by force, would have resulted in my empire spanning the entire map horizontally which would make me a target for every other player on the map. An obviously impractical idea, not to mention the amount of time that this would required. Any why would I attack him because I was unhappy with the offer of a 2 turn NAP when I was the one who originally proposed the NAP? I cannot think of a more pointless reason for starting an attack. The whole point of arranging a early game NAP is allow both players to conquer indies without being attacked by another player. As illogical as these reasons are, zenphos used both as excuses to cut a deal with other players against me, all the while conveniently forgetting about our negotiations.

At this point, I consider the NAP and the trade agreement a done deal, and turn my attention to finishing off the early war I had with Lanka and to conquering indies, assuming there will be at least a 2 turn notice before hostilities with zenphos. However all this time, he is busy cutting more convenient deals with other players. When I send him another message to see how the owl quills are coming along before I go off for the weekend, I discover that he believes that we have no such NAP, and that I had been planning all along to invade him instead of trade with him. Why then would I have bothered to set up a trade agreement with him? A simple look at the research graphs would confirm that I was trying to acquire some more research boosters.

I don't know how much back and forth it normally takes to secure a basic NAP and ask for some trades, even by the standards of having to explain it to someone with slightly less experience, but I think I went out of my way to explain it and in return, I get backstabbed. In contrast, my negotiations with other players in this game have all been direct and to the point.

Anyway, it certainly looks to me that like I should have not bothered negotiating with someone who either does not understand how to negotiate, or feigns misunderstanding when it is convenient to backstab someone. zenphos, if you're going to try to slip out of agreements when you find it is convenient and fabricate some illogical reasons for doing so, that is one way to play, but do not pretend that you hold the high ground at the same time.

And give me a break about role-playing that you are "avenging the ghosts of Lanka". Aside from the thematic problems associated with Arcocephale avenging a nation of demons, I saw you attack Lanka several turns ago as I was laying siege to his capital. And now you claim you are avenging them when it is convenient to attack me. If there is a more ridiculous contradiction, I don't know what it is, but I believe other players would be well advised to steer clear of dealings with you."

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Old April 14th, 2008, 11:35 AM
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Default Re: Adjudication on a NAP

If he did not confirm the NAP I would think it is null and void. He would probably agree if he was in a stronger position. Sounds like he is using it as an excuse to build up a little more before the assault comes.
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Old April 14th, 2008, 11:35 AM

Aezeal Aezeal is offline
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Default Re: Adjudication on a NAP

You will be called oathbreaker regardless of what you do I think. You just need to either make sure the rest of the game agrees with your version of what happened or just ignore it and accept that he calls you that.
Want a blend of fantasy and sci-fi? Try the total conversion Dominions 3000 mod with a new and fully modded solar system map.
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New and different undead nation? Try Souls of Shiar. Including new powerfull holy magic.
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Old April 14th, 2008, 11:47 AM
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Default Re: Adjudication on a NAP

Aaaah, but it is not his opinion I care about. It is the opinion of the forum as a whole.
I would not want my opponent to flood the boards with what an untrustworthy fellow I am and find myself having trouble finding allies in other games. So that is one reason I submitted this question.
The other is while I think I am in the right my view is some what biased and, being honourable arcoscephale, it would be wrong to break any sort of agreement in the game.
Now if I was one of the evil, untrustworthy races like say Mictlan, then I do not think it would bother me so much.
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Old April 14th, 2008, 12:09 PM

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Default Re: Adjudication on a NAP

Well let me say it like this:

The way you tell it IMHO there would be no NAP, without the confirmation you waited for and did not get I wouldn't consider it a NAP. In my last games there have always been conformations back and forth so everyone knew there was a NAP adn I consider that normal.

The point is that he has interpreted it otherwise and might say the facts are slightly different too. It's hard to give an opinion on the story of only one of the parties and unless his story is identical it will be hard to when he had his say since it will be your word against his.

If you roleplay a very honourable nation you should give him the turn I guess since there is some room for doubt.

Personally I'd never let roleplaying interfer with the results of my game.

NAP breaking isn't forbidden btw, you won't get expelled, it's another part of the game. Personally I'd not do it but..
Want a blend of fantasy and sci-fi? Try the total conversion Dominions 3000 mod with a new and fully modded solar system map.
Dragons wanted? Try the Dragons, Magic Incarnate nation.
New and different undead nation? Try Souls of Shiar. Including new powerfull holy magic.
In for a whole new sort of game? Then try my scenario map Gang Wars.
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Old April 14th, 2008, 12:23 PM
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Default Re: Adjudication on a NAP

I have tried to give as accurate account of the details as I could, and I have PM'ed my opponent with a link to this post and have asked him to give his own version of events.
I can't see how he can dispute the key point though, that is the lack of a confirmation of the renegotiated NAP.
Guess I will wait and see if he responds.
By the way thanks for the input so far.
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Old April 14th, 2008, 01:21 PM

Karlem Karlem is offline
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Default Re: Adjudication on a NAP

At least for me if there isn't a confirmation message there isn't NAP. That's something quite importante you (or him)need to have somehitng to quote and say: this is what I said and here is his agreemnt. Until then nobody has broken a NAP.

I also do not consider that you have to give him another turn: you informed him even without having a NAP (from your point) why should you give him another turn? You are honorable, not stupid .
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Old April 14th, 2008, 01:28 PM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: Adjudication on a NAP

I think you had a NAP. He offered a 3 turn NAP and you replied you wanted a 2 turn NAP. Obviously if he is willing to go for a 3 turn NAP he's willing to go for a 2 turn one.

You aren't an 'oathbreaker' though. You made no promises.

People who say stuff like '3 turn NAP?' and assume that you will know exactly what they mean deserve to end up in situations like this though.
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Old April 14th, 2008, 04:10 PM

Aezeal Aezeal is offline
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Default Re: Adjudication on a NAP

well Sombre it was clarified later on.

PS Karlem do we have an official NAP in vampirebat? If not we should talk about it

edit: we have a 5 turn NAP I could find in our messages..
Want a blend of fantasy and sci-fi? Try the total conversion Dominions 3000 mod with a new and fully modded solar system map.
Dragons wanted? Try the Dragons, Magic Incarnate nation.
New and different undead nation? Try Souls of Shiar. Including new powerfull holy magic.
In for a whole new sort of game? Then try my scenario map Gang Wars.
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Old April 14th, 2008, 04:29 PM

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Default Re: Adjudication on a NAP

No oaths made, in my opinion.
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