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Old October 5th, 2006, 04:09 PM
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Default Patch Improvements

First let me say Dominions_3 is wonderful... thanks so much for creating this treasure. Patch improvements are listed to increase the games playing value. These are not bugs, but feature improvements which would make the Dominions game more enjoyable.
I will try and keep this updated and easy to read with suggested improvements which are in greatest demand.

1) Multiple Victory Conditions would be intensely more interesting for multiplayer games allowing the option of more than one type of victory condition available.
Desired By: NTJedi, BigJMoney, Chazar, MythicalMino

2) Random Computer Allies Option would greatly make SP games more interesting for experienced SP gamers. This option would allow gamers to choose how many computer teams and the possible number of allies for each team.
Computer Allies: Yes/No
Computer Teams: (1 thru 9)
Allies on each Team: Min(#) Max(#)

SP gamers would be more surprised and challenged instead of manually making the changes and knowing what to expect.
Desired by: NTJedi, DominionsFan

3) Mappers Wishlist = Author: Gandalf Parker


4) Modder's Wishlist = Author: DominionsFan


5) AI Opponents Bidding on Mercenaries= Allow computer opponents to wager wisely when buying mercenaries. Currently human opponents are able to acquire new mercenaries most of the time since computer opponents rarely place high bids.
Desired by: NTJedi, MythicalMino

6) New Troop Orders = Allow new troop orders such as "Fire until Retreats" where archers will target the enemy group with the greatest numbers and will stop using missle weapons when the enemy is fleeing thus reducing casualties from friendly fire.
Desired by: Leif_- , Agrajag, Amos, Chazar, Hadrian_II,

7) New Formations = Currently troops only have a square formation... other formations such as a triangle, straight line and rectangle would be useful.
Desired by: Leif_-, Chazar

8) Battle reports from Storming Castles= Some of the most important battles occur while storming a castle yet no reports are available. Battle reports for storming castles would be greatly appreciated.
Desired by: Taqwus, Cainehill, Agrajag, Amos, Fate, tka, Nerfix, MythicalMino, Hadrian_II

9) Grey-Out forging items which lack the resources = Have items greyed out or faded which lack the resources for building.
Desired by: Taqwus, Agrajag, Chazar, MythicalMino

10) Reset command orders for insane commanders = Currently insane commanders choose inapplicable orders, best if insane commanders stuck with last order or returned to default of defend.
Desired by: Taqwus, Cainehill, Agrajag, Hadrian_II

11) Castle/Fort status Provide a status for the building progress of castles/forts. When a builder is killed it's useful knowing the total progress. Perhaps adding the information within the F1 province window.
Desired by: Taqwus, Cainehill, Talleyrand, Fate, tka, MythicalMino

12) Have AI opponents avoid death scales when playing non-death nations.
Desired by: moodgiesanta, NTJedi

13) Provide wrap-around option for randomly generated maps.
Desired by: moodgiesanta, Agrajag, Chazar

14) Monthly casting spells target provinces more wisely. Monthly casting should target terrains with greater chances for magic sites first, unsearched provinces should be targeted before those which have been searched, and the spell should never target provinces with a matching level_4 or higher search and/or capitals.
Desired by: Tyrian, Twan, Nerfix, thejeff, Frostmourne27, Agrajag, Quietly, Hadrian_II

15) Have fleeing units stay in the province if the owner of the fleeing units is victorious.
Desired by: Dhaeron, Twan, Talleyrand, Agrajag, Amos, Chazar, MythicalMino, Hadrian_II

16) Function to allow the disabling of specific combat spells.
Desired by: Dhaeron, Ballbarian, NTJedi, Tortanick, Nerfix, Hadrian_II, Twan, Agrajag, Amos, Hadrian_II

17) Add a commander repeat previous commands This would allow a commander to repeat the same 4 or 5 spells previously scripted and/or allow a normal commander to fire then attack once then fire then attack once and so on.
Desired by: Dhaeron, Twan, Agrajag, Fate

18) Mouse-scroll and scroll-wheel zoom on the battle map.
Desired by: BigJMoney, DominionsFan, coobe, Talleyrand, Agrajag

19) Ability to "page" through unit statistics within a squad.
Example If a squad of 10 crossbowmen are assigned to a commander, and I right click one of those crossbowmen, I can view his statistics. I'd like to be able to use the arrow keys (or click an arrow icon) to instantly page to the next crossbowman in that squad.
Desired by: BigJMoney

20) Include feature to view overall status of commanders instantly via icon, hotkey and/or other.
Example Add these lines of small text somewhere:

Commanders: 40 [11]; Scouts: 5 [2]; Mages: 20 [0]; Priests: 10 [7]

The numbers in brackets represent how many of these types of troops are either set to "defend" or "hide", or when set to "preach" but they've reached their pinnacle.
Desired by: BigJMoney

21) A feature to set default orders for all commanders of each type from the recruitment screen.
Example: Right click on a spy commander type (from the recruitment menu), then right click on "behavior" and set him to retreat. Every spy hired afterward would be set to retreat automatically.
Desired by: BigJMoney, Tortanick, Nerfix, Quietly

22) When a command is given to multiple commanders that are selected, if any of the commanders cannot accomplish that command, all commanders should immediately become unselected.
Problem If I select 4 commanders and order them to move 2 provinces, but one of them can only move one, it appears that the command was successful, but I end up with a mess on my hands.
Suggested Change: The one commander would become unselected (not white) automatically because he cannot move 2 provinces, then it would alert me to the problem.
Desired by: BigJMoney, Hadrian_II

23) The message that says, "Research in XXX Complete" should display what level of research was just completed!
Desired by: BigJMoney

24) Add new battle command for archers: Fire and Withdraw/Hide
Archers would fire for three rounds and then assume stay behind troops order.
Desired by: Fate

25) Allow monthly site searching to start at provinces nearest to the caster, thus preventing newly conquered territories from being searched. Another option for monthly site searching to search provinces which have been owned the longest.
Desired by: Xendarq, Quietly

26) Mage commander setting/checkbox to never cast spells which will cause unconsciousness.
?May exist already as 'stay behind troops'?
Desired by: Hadrian_II

27) Display total remaining battles to process during the creation of the new turn. This will provide a rough estimate of how long until the turn is finished.
Desired by: Hadrian_II

28) Global Tax Default Setting Most useful for AE Ermor: who usually wants high default tax rate of '200 and ignore unrest', since its people die rapidly anyway.
Desired by: Taqwus

29) Extra size in formation value: If there are additional modifiers that added to size -for the sole purpose of determining how full a square is- that +1 could be added to LI or similar irregulars not trained for close-formmation combat. +1 on size-2 human = 2/square instead of 3.
Desired by: Taqwus

30) Improve and/or provide options to improve delays when viewing battles. Buffing spells and magic rounds of combat will cause battles to move slowly.
Desired by: Ballbarian and Fate

31) Provide more information for commanders which have been snatched away via spells or succubus.
Desired by: Hadrian_II

32) Improve AI to invest more in province defense. The AI would be more difficult to conquer if it invested a percentage of its gold each turn into province defense.
Desired by: Hadrian_II

33) Improve AI to better evaluate province defense of enemy nation before attacking.
Desired by: Hadrian_II

34) Allow archers to avoid targets which are near friendly melee troops. Features or changes to decrease losses from friendly fire are desired.
Desired by: Hadrian_II

35) Demobilizing(disbanding) troops into the province. Disbanded 'normal' units with minds can lower unrest. Disbanded 'undead', 'magical' and 'demons' could also provide unique effects such as disbanding undead may slightly increase the effect of pillaging.
Desired by: Taqwus

36) Prevent nations from dying from loss of dominion for the first 10_turns. Perhaps the capital of each nation cannot lower below 1_dominion for the first 10_turns. Useful for new gamers and AI opponents.
Desired by: Meglobob

37) Lower pts reward for slumbering pretenders.
Desired by: biekert

38) Increase pts reward for imprisoned pretenders.
Desired by: Cainehill, JaydedOne, Frostmourne27

39) Proceed with changes cautiously as to not slow down host processing.
Desired by: Gandalf Parker

40) Ability to view current units for castle/province. Allows viewing of the army before a battle and ability to view the bonuses from global spells and items.
Desired by: BigJMoney

41) Drag-Scroll the map using left mouse button. Useful for windows windowed-mode.
Desired by: BigJMoney

42) Reduce time before arrival for imprisoned pretenders.
Desired by: Daynarr

43) Blessing not working or Blessing penalty until pretender gets free. Provides balance for the imprisonned/asleep pretender with blessing paths.
Desired by: Frostmourne27

44) Allow alt-tab to keep graphics stable.
Desired by: boltar

45) Provide save function to reload a previous turn.
Desired by: Amos

46) Add more Mac-like functionality within Mac version. Right-click is currently implemented as command-click, but it should be control-click to match the Mac standard.
Multiple selection is control-click, but it should be shift-click for contiguous selection or command-click for non-contiguous selection.
Clicking in a scroll-bar below the thumb should scroll down; above the thumb should scroll up. Neither does anything ATM.
Page-up and page-down should cause scrolling lists to scroll by one page, but does not.
up-arrow and down-arrow should cause scrolling lists to scroll by one line. They don't.
Desired by: dfsuther

47) Add monthly forging of an item. example Shift-i
Desired by: BigJMoney, Corwin

48) Add hotkey(p) which is the inverse of hotkey(n) allowing gamers to scroll backwards through commanders.
Desired by: BigJMoney

49) Cross-out or mark spells which lack gems needed for casting the spell.
Desired by: Agrajag

50) Add a kill board displaying how many units I own which died and how many units of each type my army has killed.
Desired by: Theonlystd, kimmitt

51) Include button to view more detailed battle information. Example: Within the battle report there's a button named "View Detailed Battle Results". The information displayed from this button includes how many of each troop type died.
Desired by: Corwin, Nerfix

52) Add number of wounded commanders listing to the battle result window.
Desired by: Corwin

53) Add 'Ignore' or 'Guard' command which would allow commanders to sit safely inside a castle and ignore the (n) key when scrolling thru commanders. Patrol has them guarding the outside of the castle where they are not safe.
Desired by: Corwin, Chazar

54) Allow more accurate adjustments of research points. Include a {+ -} button on each end to adjust by one point or an option to type in a number.
Desired by: Corwin

55) Improve speed and optimization of the Random map generator. Specifically 'dividing the world' and 'drawing boundaries' seems to take the most time.
Desired by: Talleyrand, kimmitt, Cainehill

56) Allow spellcasters a command option of 'move and search' or 'magic hunt'. The commander would search any province which has not been searched or spellcasted searched and then move to the next nearest province which can use his searching skill.
Desired by: Quietly

57) Allow checkbox or setting where a province can have a commander automatically purchased at the start of each turn.
Desired by: Quietly

58) Setup hotkeys for position units and commanders on the battlefield.
Desired by: ioticus, Sandman

59) Use a single screen while creating pretenders.
Desired by: Sandman, kimmitt

60) Allow easy editing and deleting of existing pretenders.
Desired by: tibbs, Twan, tka,

61) Allow pretender passwords to provide a method of recovering the password. Example: prompting the answer for a personal question as seen within accounts and email.
Desired by: tibbs

62) User-scriptable AI for battle spellcasting
Desired by: MrMorden

63) Allow an option to stop and backup during game creation.
Desired by: Twan, tka

64) Bring feature to view pretender stats during game creation while selecting what pretender to load.
Desired by: Twan, tka

65) Bring feature to view pretender stats while the pretender is still slumbering or imprisoned.
Desired by: Twan, tka

66) Allow national globals to improve nations and troops which are separate from usual global spells.
Desired by: Nerfix

67) Improve the displays and GUI for icons, maps and backgrounds. Easier to judge the displayed data from Dominions_2
Desired by: kimmit, MythicalMino, Sandman, ioticus

68) Add new victory condition(s) based on research points. Victory to the nation which has researched all paths. Victory to the nation which was first to reach XXXXX research points. Victory on a specific turn to the nation with the highest research points.
Desired by: dirtywick

69) Merge many of the game screens into one screen. Combine pretender information, stored items, global enchantments, gems and research.
Desired by: Sandman

70) Expand the computer AI battle formations to be more unpredictable.
Desired by: Sandman

71) Improve details for province information. Information such as if your province has a commander, mage or priest. The nation name owning a province when hovering above a flag longer than 3 seconds. And residual magic site information if you previously owned the province.
Desired by: Sandman

72) Provide special gem pooling to remove micro-management.
Pool bloodhunter's slaves; Pool clam's astral gems; Pool fetish's fire gems; Pool blood stone's earth gems
Desired by: Olive; JaydedOne

73) Game option to include number of turns when mercenaries will arrive. Under the number of starting provinces for each nation... add number of turns before mercenaries arrive ranging from 5 turns to 500 turns. Thus someone could even effectively disable mercenaries if desired.
Desired by: Cainehill

74) Tooltips in Army Setup Screen
Currently difficult to identify the type of units since some sprites have almost identical appearance. Afflictions; HorrorMarks, Experience can also be included within the tool tips.
Desired by: MarcinM; PhilD; Nerfix

75) Commanders/Mages killed outside of combat should have their items returned to the lab.
Desired by: Chazar; PDF; thejeff

76) More awakening options in pretender design
Examples: Post#461317
Desired by: Twan

77) Allow Go To Province for magic sites which have been found with spells and provide the magic site name within the spell.
Desired by: dirtywick; sandman

Date: 10/10/2006 Main topic updated... I didn't get to add everyones, but it will eventually be done.
UPDATED: 10/13/2006 minor update including Nerfix topic, eventually everyones request will be added.
UPDATED: 10/18/2006 More updates added, eventually everyones request(s) will be added.
UPDATED: 10/19/2006 Lots of updates added, eventually everyones request(s) will be added.
UPDATED: 10/24/2006 Lots more updates added, soon starting page_8, eventually everyones request(s) will be added.
UPDATED: 11/3/2006 More updates added, soon starting page_10, eventually everyones request(s) will be added.
UPDATED: 12/8/2006 Updates added, soon starting #461454 on page_12, eventually everyones request will be added.

Please NOTE: Post your approval for suggestions others listed which you find important.
I will update the original topic allowing the developers to see which are in greatest demand.

. [b]
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Old October 5th, 2006, 05:27 PM
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Default Re: Patch Improvements

Suggestions below came from a matching topic generated by Nerfix. All future feature improvements will need to be posted within this topic.

================================================== =========================================

A) A way to see unit afflictions in the Army Setup screen.
Perhaps a tooltip that appears when you hover your mouse on an unit. It could also show if the unit is Old, Cursed, Insane etc etc.
Desired by: Nerfix

B) Add National spells for nations with one or no national spells... such as Marverni
Desired by: PDF, MythicalMino

C) Viewing details of troop composition for mercenaries which are available for bidding. This feature existed within Dominions_1.
Desired by: ologm

D) A way to disable the animation of the troop movement arrows.
Desired by: ologm

E) Residual scout information
"When a scout leaves a province and moves 2 away, the province troop presence vanishes. I'd like a "ghost" display of "last seen troop presence in this province" along with a timestamp. So you'd get a "2 seasons (turns) ago, this province had 50 troops and 2 magic sites" etc. "

Desired by: MarcinM, Frank Trollman, Chazar

F) Filter and sort lists of provinces & commanders. Currently seems randomly ordered like in dom2.
Desired by: Manuk

G) Gamma and volume control
Desired by: Frank Trollman

H) '?' key should also work while watching battles.
As far as I can tell, battle screen has its own hotkeys. Players not familiar with hotkeys are forced to watch entire battles because they couldn't figure out 'q' key.
Desired by: B0rsuk

I) More visible province borders on manually made maps.
Sometimes difficulty recognizing province borders and be able to plan next moves properly. It probably can't be changed painlessly, because it's hardcoded into map image, but still something to remember. Unfortunately, it will probably require replacing all .tga files, and they're pretty big to put into patch.
Desired by: B0rsuk

J) Alternate way to enter army setup screen.
Right click on a specific commander icon to display him at the top of the list within the army setup screen. This will prevent scrolling through all available commanders to change battle orders of specific commander.
Desired by: B0rsuk

K) New map filters :

K1)*Commanders :
display a red X where you have one or more commander (or a red X + the number of commanders or one X per commander or a mini-box with the sprites of your commanders in each province)
Desired by: Twan

K2)*showing numbers on the map :
instead of forcing you to count sprites or click the provinces, show you on the main map the exact amount of the thing you search in your provinces, may be concerned...
- Supplies
- Ressources
- Leadership of each kind/units
- Income

Desired by: Twan

================================================== ==================================
================================================== ==================================

Purgatory Section
This section is for requested features which have either been added within a patch, identified as already existing in the game or Illwinter has determined this feature cannot or will not be added within a patch. Any existing or future feature listed might be moved into this category.

1) Currently nothing

================================================== ===================================
================================================== ===================================

UPDATED: 10/13/2006

To simplify work/reading time for Illwinter as of 10/13/2006 only posts within this topic regarding feature improvements will be recognized.
UPDATED: 10/19/2006
Purgatory section added... if the lists above are getting too long Illwinter can let me know which ones can be moved into this Purgatory section which can save time when viewing the list.
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Old October 5th, 2006, 05:30 PM

DominionsFan DominionsFan is offline
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Default Re: Patch Improvements

I absolutely agree with the Random Computer Allies Option. That way -even for hardcore Dominions fans- it would be hellish hard to win against some Impossible AIs. Very good idea NTJedi.
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Old October 5th, 2006, 05:35 PM
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Default Re: Patch Improvements

Random computer Allied-AIs can be done on server games.
I can offer it if people want.
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Old October 6th, 2006, 12:11 AM
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Default Re: Patch Improvements

Gandalf Parker said:
Random computer Allied-AIs can be done on server games.
I can offer it if people want.
Adding the option within a future patch would give everyone an easy_to_use and powerful new feature since many SP gamers only go online to download game patches.

DominionsFan said:
I absolutely agree with the Random Computer Allies Option. That way -even for hardcore Dominions fans- it would be hellish hard to win against some Impossible AIs. Very good idea NTJedi.
Yes in Dominions_2 I would edit the .map file setting up multiple computer opponents as allies just to keep the challenge strong.
If this feature is added within an upcoming patch it would save time and increase replay value.
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Old October 6th, 2006, 06:49 AM

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Default Re: Patch Improvements

Yep exactly, I was also playing like that in my SP games in Doms 2.
This would be a good little addition what you've suggested, especially because there are lot of SP fans I guess. [Like 1 of my brothers. ]
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Old October 6th, 2006, 02:49 PM
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Default Re: Patch Improvements

If anyone wants a feature improvement post your thoughts and it will be added to the original list.

If anyone sees a feature improvement already listed and wishes Illwinter to consider adding the feature then please post "I agree with XXXXX feature". I will then update the post to include your name on the request.
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Old October 6th, 2006, 02:54 PM
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Default Re: Patch Improvements

You're free to add all the stuff I have in my thread.

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Old October 6th, 2006, 02:59 PM

Leif_- Leif_- is offline
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Default Re: Patch Improvements

Having had a brief look at the demo, I'm actually rather disappointed. Sure, there are a lot of good improvements and additions, but the area of the game that I felt needed and had the potential for improvement, the tactical combat, doesn't seem to have changed at all. There doesn't seem to be any new troop orders, your archers will still gleefully massacre your lightly armoured meleers, fire-and-flee still makes the troop leave the province even if you win the battle, no formations, no terrain, no paths of attack, no nothing.
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Old October 6th, 2006, 03:08 PM
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Default Re: Patch Improvements

Terrain actually does have an effect. Swamps bog non-swamp survival units down.

"Boobs are OK. Just not for Nerfix [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Smile.gif[/img] ."
- Kristoffer O.
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