Took a bit of a break from the game. In that time I've upgraded my system to 64bit Windows7 (Home Premium).
Considering some of the compatibility issues with older games and Windows 7, I wasn't expecting to play this game again. I decided to install it anyway and try it out.
I was pleasantly surprised when I found the game runs very well on Windows 7. The only problem I found was it does not like to be minimized... especially by just hitting the windows key. Fills ALL the memory on my system (3GB). Hitting the in-game minimize key works not too bad, but the processors (duo 2.7Ghz) max out and stay there until the game is restored.
If I just load, play then shut the game down when done all works well.
Sooo glad I'am able to play this again. Next to Civ IV this is my all time favorite game.