Joke Touhou mod:
Gensokyo - Land of Disbelief
All units and commanders have:
- Air shield (10% - 95%).
- Some kind of danmaku ranged attack.
- Are women, for some reason.
- Fairy: Immortal, almost fearless cannon-fodder with single shot and weak fist attack.
- Rabbit Youkai: Poorly equipped, poorly trained and poorly paid Rabbit Youkai are bit more dangerous than fairies. They also are lucky.
- Ghost: Immortal spirit that isn't willing to rest. Etherealness gives them survivability in the battlefield, but they aren't as dangerous as most think.
- Kappa: Armed with bamboo spears and curiosity regarding mechanics, Kappa are good at both attacking and defending fortresses. Can fight equally well under water.
- Oni: Drunken oni boasts huge strength, unbreakable courage and Drunken Fist style martial art. They are gluttons and cause unrest in the province they are in.
- Wolf Tengu: Armed with various weapons, shields and chainmails, they are most well equipped warriors in Gensokyo. Their loyalty towards their friends and masters is notable.
- Moon Rabbit: Armed with spears, bows and shields, these trained soldiers can be surprisingly dangerous foe to fight against.
- Half-Phantom: Skilled with blade and armed with katana Half-Phantom are dangerous foe to fight against. Phantom side of body helps human side fight.
- Danmaku Warrior: Danmaku Warrior is human who can use her deadly skills to launch dangerous volleys of magical shots. Expert in evading incoming shots.
- Crow Tengu Reporter: Flying spy with camera and newspaper bag. Master of evasion.
- Nekomata Ninja: Deadly assassin who uses both curses and shurikens to defeat her foes.
- Boss Fairy: Bit larger fairy that too is immortal and gathers other fairies around her. Poor commander.
- Kappa Engineer: Kappa who is particularly good at building and inventing stuff. She can lead 40 warriors against fortresses.
- Booze-baron Oni: This Oni is quite lucky and has one way or another managed to gain almost endless supply of alcohol. Her presence in area gathers other Oni, but endless drunken parties annoy neighbours. She can lead up to 40 warriors in the quest to seek alcohol.
- Wolf Tengu Commander: Surprisingly good warrior and commander, Wolf Tengu Commander can lead up to 120 warriors in the battlefield and has patrol bonus.
- Shrine Maiden: One of few people in Gensokyo that in any way care about shrines or gods. Level 2 holy magic user.
- Bird Youkai: Naturally capable of calling darkness over battlefield. She don't command that much reason over others, but her singing is stunningly good.
- Doll Master: Being skilled crafter, Doll Master is quite capable of forging magical items. She also produces certain amount of battle ready dolls per month and commands them in battlefield.
- Human Magician: Somewhat weak magician, but quite good in research and also skilled in danmaku.
- Magician: Skilled in magic and excellent in magical research, Magician suffers from poor health induced by endless studies. Has humongous encumbrance without that much equipment.
- Kitsune: Fox Youkai that is skilled nature magic user with couple other random paths. Stealthy but somewhat expensive spy. Natural talent makes her bad in magical research.
- Lunarian: Quite capable in fields of magic, pharmacy and archery, Lunarian can command up to 40 warriors to the field.
- Vampire: Ageless Vampire is strong user of blood and death magic, but her vulnerability to sun and fire makes her somewhat cowardly. Is not undead or immortal.
- Gap Youkai: The mystical Gap Youkai is said to be one of the strongest beings in Gensokyo. Can naturally open borders and lead armies to any place in world through her gaps.
- The Strongest: The Ice Fairy that dwells in the Scarlet Devil Mansion's lake is said (by herself) to be strongest in Gensokyo. Skilled water magician but fails utterly at research. Immortal like other Fairies and her presence causes other Fairies to gather.
- The Elegant Maid: The Perfect Maid from Scarlet Devil Mansion doesn't know any magic but she fights by throwing hundreds of knives. Can stop time and has almost perfect physical defence because of this.
- The Immortal In Bamboo Forest: Person who gained immortality by using Hourai-Elixir. Strong user of fire magic and has many stages before killed.
- Sister of the Devil: Insane Vampire that can destroy anything she sees. (In game effect: Multiple attacks with disintegration side effect)
Well, that was fun adventure.