Recent updates:
0.3b - more balancing
--a few more stat balances
0.3a - balancing
--completely revamped all recruitables stats and equipment; mostly a nerf
--revamped human heroes stats
--revamped newarmors; created newarmor 'leather scale hauberk'
--edited t'ien ch'i national spell 'wrath of the ancestors' to include MA & LA qayan
0.2e - fixes - thanks radio_star and mehrunes_dagon
--fixed 'summon burkhan', 'summon chotgor' and 'summon abaasy' spells
--fixed newweapon 'spring attack'
--increased 'manghit udagan' to mapmove 4
--removed extraneous 'manghit' recruit
--changed 'call of the mastodon' spell to a flat 3 effect summon for 2 gems
--reduced 'shudkher' unit's prot
--fixed genghis pretender domsummon by removing extraneous tags
--enable EA heroes 'khadny mangaa' and 'arvan tavan tolgoytoy atgaalzhin'
--increased pathlevel of almost all spells
EA: Erlik Qayan, Death & Fire
--Priests reanimate but can't preach, recruit demons and undead
MA: Cinggis Qayan, Wrath of the Khans
--About the same as they were before, a few less mages though
LA: Tengri Qayan, Spirits of the Sky
--Similar to Cinggis but with even less mages, dyingdom, SC national pretender
Disclaimer: I do not claim that any of the sprites used were hand drawn. The non-vanilla sprites are all edits of graphics found online. The sprites are free for anyone to borrow and use for themselves. I thank Globu for his help.
I made a little showcase for the non-vanilla sprites. I marked Globu's wonderful sprites with a 'G', left of their head. Many of my sprites are not finished, but usable - they do have action sprites, though.
The eras appear to work together fine; however, I don't know how to do an all era game, so I may be in error.
Many mages have an inherent magicboost to one or more paths. So if they have get a random pick, they will often have 2-3 skill in the path they get. Maybe I should add a more specific, less fluffy way of saying this to each mages' description?
Future updates:
Rename 'Genghis' pretender to 'Celestial' or 'Heavenly' Khan. As suggested by Globu.
More appropriate descriptions; this will require a visit to the library.
Edits to gold cost and starting paths/randoms pending feedback.
New summons: Pegasus
All spells: Do you feel the paths and schools are appropriate?
Cinggis Qayan is pronounced ching | giss hahn (rhymes with thing | hiss khan). Although a common rendering from antiquity is Genghis Khan. However, I encourage people to take a personal approach and say it however they like.
Many of the sprites are vanilla as I am not an artist. I plan on eventually making my own, or possibly convincing my youngest brother to do it. (He is an artist, but he hates dominions.)

Although I would have no trouble accepting submissions.
Edit: Globu has kindly offered to make some sprites. Hopefully this will lend a little more personality to the Qayan!
Feel free to offer any suggestions, comments, criticism, or anything else you wish to say. Please be certain to let me know of errors or conflicts in my code, I'll be happy to fix it. And if you have any modding experience, don't hesitate to review my .dm for anything that looks off. (I tend to be thorough and at times redundant, so it may be on purpose.)
I have used this mod with and had no problems with the following other mods: CBM 1.6, CPCS, Deep Dagon, FW thugs n summons 1.00, Greater Gods, Worthy Heroes 1.8, Streamers & Standards (Llama's version), Nova Deus II, Magic Site Mod and Throne of Heroes.
Also works with the warhammer nation mods: AI Ogre Kingdoms, Chaos Undivided, Tomb Kings, Bretonnia, Dwarfs, Lizardmen, Skaven, Wood Elves
I would like to thank the creators of all of these excellent mods! Especially my favorites: CBM, CPCS, Chaos, Dwarfs, Lizardmen and Skaven.

I would make a warhammer nation if I was an artist.
Clearly not with *ALL* of the mods enabled, this would lead to problems with too many spells.
I've edited some of those mods on my own machine to work together better, hopefully my own edits aren't actually allowing my mod to work without errors. I tried to be thorough and examine the IDs used by those other mods.
0.2d - adjustments and sprites
--created new units 'khadny mangaa', 'arvan tavan tolgoytoy atgaalzhin', and 'khangard'; enabled 'khangard' as a LA hero
--created newweapons for natural attacks of 'khadny mangaa' and 'arvan tavan tolgoytoy atgaalzhin'
--created sprites for 'khadny mangaa', 'saman of erlik', 'kut', and 'burkhan'
--reworked pretender 'erlik' sprite, including a more human scale, still can't get that dang arm right though
--scaled down and cleaned up 'almas' sprite
--changed EA multiheroes
--added 1 fire gem to EA startsite 'the ceremonies of ot', added 1 air gem to EA startsite 'erlik's death-hall', removed astral pearl from EA startsite 'erlik's death-hall'
--revamped stats of 'sholmos' and 'shudkher' units, bringing them more in line with yomi 'onis' and lanka 'rakshasas'
--edited sauromatia national spell 'call ancestor' to include MA & LA qayan
--restricted 'kharash' spell to MA qayan
--edited 'jadaci of storms' from a lower level copy of 'storm', to a higher level copy of 'thunder strike' with 5 effects
--adjusted pd numbers of all eras
--other minor changes
0.2c - fixes and balancing - thanks radio_star
--created new EA summons 'abaasy' and 'chotgor', created associated summon spells
--new sprites using skySpirit sprite as template: 'abaasy' and 'chotgor' summons, 'tenger' multihero, 'tengri' pretender
--reduced MA starting gems
--changes to 'genghis' pretender: gave magicboost 1 to encourage taking magic paths, gave onebattlspell 'divine blessing', changed domsummon to 'kheshig' only, removed makemonster
--removed fear from 'geser' hero, increased awe to 3
--changed 'summon death worms' spell to blood school
--renamed 'yeti' to 'almas', revamped description
--changes to 'shudkher' commander: reduced fear to 3, reduced magicboost of blood path to 1, enabled 'sholmos' sprite, reduced randoms by 10%
--changes to 'summon sholmoses' spell: less effects, higher slave cost, higher research level
--fixed 'kharash' spell description
--changes to EA PD: added 'qam of erlik' commander, added 'kut' troops
--removed domkill and domunrest from EA
--fixed 'erlik' pretenders' domsummons, other changes
--numerous changes to 'endur' summon, 'tenger' multihero, and 'tengri' pretender
--other minor changes
0.2b - more accurate terms, some sprites, a showcase
--created sprites for sholmos, servant of odqan, and servant of tengri
--adjusted some stats and magic paths
--created #newweapon "silver cup of manzan"
--exchanged sholmos 'claws' with 'stone club'; added 'furs'
--exchanged yeti 'claws' x2 with 'fist' x2 and 'head butt'
--gave servant of odqan 'throw flames'
--fixed 'summon death worms' spell, then changed path(s) to blood only
--cleaned up sholmos sprite
--created 'qayan tiger' unit to represent Siberian tiger; created related summon
--created 'mastodon' unit, and pointed 'call of the mastodon' spell to it
--added Globu's mammoth sprite for mastodon
--raised gem cost of 'chosen of tengri' by 5
--cleaned up yeti sprite, and scaled action sprite better
--raised enc on most mounted troops by 1-2, lowered AP of all mounted troops by 1-3
--changed name of 'servant of erlik' to 'priest of erlik'
--created new units 'servant of erlik' and 'kut'; added to ea qayan recruitment queue
--changed name of 'qayan honor guard' to 'kheshig'
--changed name of 'qayan warrior woman' to 'khatun'
--changed name of 'qayan scout' to 'noyan'
--changed name of 'qayan tarkhan' to 'tarkhan'
--changed name of all qayan 'vessels' to 'manghits' (mangudais)
--changed name of 'servant of tengri' to 'qam of tengri'
--changed name of 'servant of odqan' to 'qam of odqan'
--changed name of 'servant of erlik' to 'qam of erlik'
--changed name of 'servant of manzan gurme toodei' to 'udagan of manzan'; then changed unit to female
--changed name of 'servant of bay-ulgen' to 'qam of bay-ulgen'
--changed name of 'servant of eje' to 'udagan of eje'
--changed name of 'servant of ot' to 'qam of ot'
--changed name of 'priestess of tengri' to 'iduan of tengri'
--changed name of 'vessel priestess' to 'manghit udagan'
--changed name of 'priest of bay-ulen' to 'saman of bay-ulgen'
--changed name of 'priest of erlik' to 'saman of erlik'
--changed name of 'vessel high priestess' to 'manghit iduan'
--changed name of 'sky spirit' to 'endur'
--changed name of 'chosen of tengri' to 'burkhan'
--changed name of 'elder sky spirit' to 'tenger'
--gave all human units 30 cold res, gave all non-human units 50 cold res
--created three new national spells 'jadaci of snows', 'jadaci of rains', and 'jadaci of storms'; they are altered copies of 'wolven winter', 'rain', and 'storm', respectively
--created new national spell 'kharash', battlesummons 25 militia
--changed 'summon yeti' spell to air and nature paths
--changed name of 'awaken bay-ulgen' spell to 'awaken lord of the upper spirits'
--changed name of 'qayan militia' to 'unaghan borghul'
--changed name of 'qayan infantry' to 'nokud infantry'
--changed name of 'qayan bowman' to 'nokud bowman'
--changed name of 'qayan vanguard' to 'nokud vanguard'
--changed name of 'qayan light cavalry' to 'nokud light cavalry'
--changed name of 'qayan cavalry' to 'nokud cavalry'
--changed name of 'qayan cavalry woman' to 'nokud cavalry woman'
--changed name of 'qayan heavy cavalry' to 'bahadur'
--added A path mask to erlik shaman randoms
0.2a - sprites!
--fixed some major problems by combining three ages into one mod
--changed some minor things
--created two new spells "Call to Mother Earth" and "Awaken Bay-Ulgen"
--created sprites for 'sky spirit'
--added unfinished sprite for erlik's human form
--removed sky spirit from recruitment queue, this was a testing measure only
--created sprites for 'Olgoi-khorkoi' - Mongolian death worms
--fixed gcost of sholmos and shudker demons
--created sprites for 'yeti'
--created pd only militia archer women
--added Globu's wonderful sprites! - priestess of tengri, genghis pretender, khan chassis heroes, servant of manzan, qayan militia and qayan archer
0.1d - Ch-ch-ch-changes!
--fixed startsite errors, and edited startsites of erlik qayan - thanks humakty
--changed erlik pretender hardpaths from 1S 2D to 3D
--cleaned up some code; there is still slop though
--reenabled summon yeti spell
--edited hardpaths/randoms and descriptions of servant of ot, servant of erlik and servant of odqan
--edited startsites of cinggis qayan
--edited hardpaths/randoms and descriptions of priest of bay-ulgen, priestess of tengri, servant of eje, servant of bay-ulgen and servant of manzan
--raised gcost of priestess of tengri to 280gp
0.1c - Another try! Thanks everyone!
--reduced gcost of archer from 40 to 15gp
--created two more eras
--some other minor changes
--fixed Lasso and Qayan Heavy Lance using 'harpooning' instead of 'entanglement,' as suggested by SlipperyJim. Entanglement only works on 'magic' weapons.
0.1b - Couldn't of done it without you guys!
--edited some descriptions, especially pretender entries; removed Earth historical references
--edited historical-based heroes maxage to match age at death
--cleaned up some code; redundant, slop, and unecessary code
--raised all #prec values of 10 to 12
--gave all units #ambidextrous 2; thanks Trumanator
--edited #fear values for Khan heroes; edite #itemslots for Khan heroes
--raised cost of , "Qayan Cavalry", "Qayan Cavalry Woman", "Qayan Heavy Cavalry", "Qayan Chariot", "Qayan Vessel", "Qayan Honor Guard", "Qayan Captain", and "Qayan Warrior Woman" each by 5gp
--distributed the "Medium Lance" to most cavalry; the rest got "Qayan Heavy Lance"
--changed instances of '338 -- heavy hoof' to '56 -- hoof', smaller, faster horses with lighter shoes for faster travel pretty much precludes a heavy hoof
--changed many #custommagic values
--reduced misc slots of most heroes
--changed all instances of #mr20 to #mr18
--removed aoe effect from "Death Worm Acid" and "Death Worm Shock"; increased range of both from 5 to 10
--replaced "Qayan Javelin Hail" with "Javelin Hail"
--replaced "Qayan Magic Sabre" with "Magic Sabre"
--repalced "Qayan Sabre" with "Sabre"
--swapped IDs of "Sabre" and "Magic Sabre"
--replaced "Qayan Greatbow" with "Longbow"
--replaced "Qayan Horsebow" with "Composite Bow"
--created #newweapon "Medium Lance"
--created #newweapon "Qayan Heavy Lance"
--created #newweapon "Lasso"
--replaced "Qayan Light Scale" with "Qayan Scale"
--replaced "Qayan Heavy Scale" with "Qayan Lamellar"
--replaced "Qayan Lamellar" with "Lamellar Armor"
--replaced "Qayan Scale" with "Leather Scale"
--edited stats for "Lamellar Armor" and "Leather Scale"; swapped IDs
--raised cost of "Qayan Infantry" from 11 to 13gp
--raised cost of "Qayan Bowman"; reduced natural prot of "Qayan Bowman" from 2 to 0, this was an error
--raised cost of "Qayan Vanguard" from 20 to 30gp
--raised cost of "Qayan Light Cavalry" from 25 to 35
--raised "Javelin Launcher" #enc from 0 to 5; removed ; reduced cost from 150 to 70gp.
--raised #ambidexterous value of "Qayan Vessel" from 2 to 3; raised MR from 11 to 12; changed #armor from "Lamellar Armor" to "Leather Scale"
--raised #ambidexterous value of "Qayan Honor Guard" from 2 to 3
--raised cost of "Qayan Scout" from 20 to 30gp
--changed name of "Qayan Captain" to "Qayan Tarkhan"
--raised cost of "Servant of Tengri" from 60 to 75gp
--raised cost of "Servant of Bay-Ulgen" from 180 to 210gp
--reduced researchbonus of "Servant of Gazar Eej" from 0 to -2
--increased researchbonus of "Priest of Bay-Ulgen"
--gave Geser hero #awe 0
--reduced "Genghis" pretender misc slots from 4 to 2; reduced #fear value from 5 to 3; reduced gcost from 50 to 25; raised pathcost from 50 to 75
--reduced "Bay-Ulgen" pretender #hp from 300 to 150, disabled #domsummon20 "Ivy King", reduced #awe from 5 to 1; reduced misc slots from 4 to 2; reduced startdom from 4 to 1
--increased the researchbonus of "Bay-Ulgen" and removed researchbonus from "Tengri"; values were juxtaposed
--reduced "Tengri" pretender hp from 50 to 20, reduced precision from 8 to 4; reduced gcost from 275 to 200; reduced startdom from 4 to 1; reduced stormpower from 10 to 6; reduced #awe value from 5 to 1; reduced misc slots from 4 to 1; disabled #magicboost tag
--raised gcost of "Gazar Eej" pretender from 75 to 100, changed name to "Eje"; reduced #awe value from 5 to 2; reduced misc slots from 4 to 2
--changed "Erlik" pretender #onebattlespell from "Undead Mastery" to "Darkness"; raised gcost from 125 to 175; reduced startdom from 3 to 1; reduced death hardpaths from 3 to 2; removed blood hardpath; reduced misc slots from 4 to 2; made same edits to bear form
--corrected #fear value of "Olgoi-Khorkhoi"
--reduced #incunrest of "Sholmos" from 5 to 1
--reduced #nreff of "Call of the Mastodon" from 1005 to 1002
--raised cost of "Summon Death Worms" from 4 to 10 gems
--made Vessel Priestess recruit anywhere
--reduced starting infantry to 10
--reduced bowmen in PD from 30 to 15