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Old June 27th, 2011, 12:07 AM
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Post New Dominions 3 Patch + Our Lowest Price Ever = Party In Your Pants!
Press Release Teaser: Summer Just Got Hotter Thanks To Illwinter Game Design!   

New Dominions 3 Patch + Our Lowest Price Ever = Party In Your Pants!
Summer Just Got Hotter Thanks To Illwinter Game Design!

Cary, NC, 27 June 2011

Is it? Could it be? Why, it is! Just six months after releasing version 3.26 of Dominions 3: The Awakening (aka The World’s Bestest Fantasy Game EVAR) developer Illwinter Game Design has readied version 3.27 for your consumption. As always you get some new toys, a few fixes, and the highlight of the patch: more support for modders.

The list of changes found in the version 3.27 is as follows:

General changes:
  • Utterdark did far too many attacks, fixed.
  • Recruitment queues are automatically reset once a fort is under siege.
  • Support for new fullscreen resolutions e.g. 1920*1080.
  • 2 x Crash during turn generation fixed.
  • Fixed bug where AI would cast Vengeance of the Dead on empty provinces.
  • Added Jack sound support for Linux version.
  • Improved Linux pulseaudio support.

Modding changes:
  • Maximum number of mods increased.
  • Maximum number of mod sprites increased 1000 -> 2000.
  • Modding: New monster mod commands: #clearweapons, #cleararmor, #drainimmune, homesick.
  • Modding: #armor accepts numbers too.
  • Modding: #custommagic can be used to created linked random magic.
  • Modding: New site mod commands: #conjcost, #altcost, #evocost, #constcost, #enchcost, #thaucost, #bloodcost.
  • Modding: New site mod commands: #holyfire, #holypower, #heal, #curse, #disease, #horrormark, #lab.
The patch is available for immediate download from publisher Shrapnel Games. Windows, Mac, and Linux, whatever you’re playing Dominions 3 on is covered. Go forth and patch! You’ll find the patch here:


In a world in which games often are assembled by committee, vomited out without souls, and forgotten soon thereafter the genuine love behind Dominions 3: The Awakening hopefully shines through for all to see. This is a game created by a small team, forged in their beliefs, and supported years later because of that belief. We think that’s special, and looking at the vast Dominions community, you guys and gals probably think so too.

Here at Shrapnel Games we want to use the release of this latest patch as an opportunity to invite even more players into the fold. And so we’re kicking off a very special Dominions 3: The Awakening sale that will run through July 4th.

From now until July 4th the download version (and only the download version) of Dominions 3: The Awakening is on sale for only $39.95. That’s $15.00 off its normal retail price, and the absolutely lowest price we’ve ever offered. This is a unique discount that may never be repeated again, so if you’ve been on the fence now is the time to make your decision!

Want to get your friends into the game? Tell them about the sale. Want to make new friends? Tell strangers about the sale and unleash the full power of Dominions 3 upon the world. Save humanity from the eldritch horrors that lurk beyond the veil? You got it, tell them about the sale.

Again, the sale only lasts until July 4th and won’t be repeated again, so don’t wait to take advantage of this very special discount! You can read more about the game, download a demo, and order it by visiting its official product page:


Dominions 3: The Awakening is the multi-award winning turn-based fantasy strategy game made just the way they used to make games once upon a time. Developed by the mad Swedes of Illwinter Game Design and published by Shrapnel Games, we dare you to find a similar game as rich with content and gameplay possibilities as Dominions 3: The Awakening. From official content to the numerous mods available, Dominions 3 is an embarrassment of riches. Combined with the ability to support up to twenty-one players in a multiplayer match and Dominions 3: The Awakening is truly the last game anyone ever needs.

For information and demos on other great titles please visit us at www.shrapnelgames.com and browse our complete catalog. Delivering the very best in independent strategy games since 1999 our recent releases includes Bronze and World Supremacy.

For press related information please contact Scott R. Krol by using the following form: http://www.shrapnelgames.com/forms/c...nel_games.html

To visit our company blog go to: forum.shrapnelgames.com/blog.php
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Old June 29th, 2011, 10:45 AM
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Default Re: New Dominions 3 Patch + Our Lowest Price Ever = Party In Your Pants!

There is a new version of the modding manual available from the patch download page. The newer version contains some more detailed explanation of the new mechanics of the #weapon and #armor commands. Grab your copy now!
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Old August 26th, 2011, 10:10 AM

tehyar tehyar is offline
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Thumbs up Re: New Dominions 3 Patch + Our Lowest Price Ever = Party In Your Pants!

Support for new fullscreen resolutions e.g. 1920*1080.

Thank you thank you thank you!! Oh, what a good time to be inspired to dig this game out of the archive.
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