Another game for Noobs and intermediate players. (< 15 MP games)
They will be 3 specificities for this game:
- Diplo oriented: If you don t like diplo stuff, this game isn't for you.(because you are going to be dogpiled

- Easy research (
unless majority want normal, say your choice when you subscribe)
- Fast paced: turn length will start at 24h then 36h later on but should be caped to this.No postponing unless you have a very, very good reason. (holidays are not since it s planned). Try to find a sub if you can't play (or at least warn me so i can try to find one)
Also, i ll do a quick check on profile allowing to enter only those with an empty police record to make a smooth game.
Now about nations: All but water nations are allowed and if you want to pick one from a mod you are allowed to. (Unless there is some doubts about the balancing)
Players: 10
Era: EA
Map: Streamlands - 93 lands, 10 Seas - (updated link, Thanks to Shatner for the corrections)
Magic site freq: 55
Research easy
Renaming On
Graph Off
Hall of Fame 15
Everything else set as default
Mods: CBM 1.84 (plus maybe some nation mods)
Diplo: Everything is allowed.
Victory Condition: Last standing or survivors agree for a winner.
Please send me a PM or post into the forum before going AI. (you shouldn't go AI 'til you are totally defenseless => send your last troops trying to inflict maximum damage)
Game exploits are also forbidden (Bogus orders and so ...)
First to pick first served.
You can change nation until we start the game.
Bullock - C'tis.
Anaconda - Agartha
Horrorfend- Caelum (formerly aaminoff until t43)
Umsolfunolanis - Hellheim (Dead)
Dojango - Yomi (Dead)
Horrorfend - T'ien Chi (Dead)
Ossa - Fomoria (formerly Longbrodie until t55)
Tratorix - Mictlan (Dead)
Samhain - Abysia
Herbidu - Ulm (Dead)