Greetings. I lurked these forums for a little while anxiously awaiting a PBEM newbie game I could actually join to, yet my patience went dry. So, I jump the gun first!
Up to this point, I played only SP and I hardly can be considered a good or experienced player as I got my entrails spilled out of me by AI several times not so long ago. Does not matter to me, though. Also note that is still one of my fresh games with the CBM mod. Only my last 2 SP games were with CBM and I am still discovering the various changes.
Anyways, this IS A NEWBIE game. I am not going to set some "played game limit" as it looks silly to me, but please do think over if your level of skill will make the game enjoyable for you as well as for example, me (

CBM 1.84
hosted on llamaserver (completely no experience with this either, hopefully I wont commit a sin)
The game is over - Ulm won by diplomatic agreement
Congratulations to Mightypeon!
Link to the map ->
Plane of Rusty Nails v4 - v4 is at the bottom of the thread
Number of players: 11 -
final number
Map: will be based on number of players gathered
Era: Middle Age
Strength of Indies: 7
HoF: 15
renaming on
Graphs on
Picked nations
Research: Normal
Gold multiplier: 125
Resources multiplier: 125
Supply multiplier: 125
Diplomacy: Encouraged! Machiavellian type, but with a 3 turn warning before breaking a NAP treaty. All nations are to be hostile to each other at the start of the game.
Turn frequency: I'll follow the general standard here, start fast (36h) and gradually grow slower as the micromanagement rises
Last, but not least: as this is a newbie game I optimistically do not expect to meet problems regarding using of exploits that I stumbled upon reading on these forums. But just for the record, I dislike such behavior. Stay fair, people. If you cannot swallow a defeat, then you will be a newbie forever. In spirit of my previous sentence, please do not go AI after a single major battle lost
Looking forward to an enjoyable game!
Current list of players (11) and their nations:
FAJ - MA Abysia, Blood and Fire
Anaconda - MA Ashdod, Reign of the Anakim
krpeters - MA Atlantis, Kings of the Deep
BewareTheBarnacleGoose - MA C'tis, Miasma
jimbojones1971 - MA Ermor, Broken Empire
momfreeek - MA Man, Tower of Avalon
Squeelch - MA Marignon, Fiery Justice
Heinrich - MA Pangaea, Age of Bronze
cool_hc - MA Shinuyama, Land of the Bakemono
Lung Drago - MA T'ien Ch'i, Imperial Bureaucracy
Mightypeon - MA Ulm, Forges of Ulm - winner